Hay Feeders I made

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Well-Known Member
Feb 3, 2004
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I made 5 of these feeders for my horses, and I made 5 for my sisters horses. I've used mine for about 1 1/2 months and shes had hers since Christmas and she just loves them, as I do. She suggested I offer them for sale.

My question is do you think their would be a demand for them?

If so how much do you think I should charge?

They are very heavy duty (my 16 hand Q.H. mare has yet to damage them at all).

They increase chew time by 400%. My minis finished their flake of hay fed off the ground in 40 mins, in the feeders it took them over 3 1/2 hours.

I could make them opened backed (for attaching to stall), or closed to use on fence posts, gates etc.

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

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Very nice Whitney. I would like to see something like that, that I could hook over my 2" pipe that runs along my chain link fence, with a full back to it. If you lived closer, we just might be doing business.
: I like the deep drop in it also.
I personally wouldnt use them. I like my hay bunks. Yes they push alot of it out on the ground and then end up eatting off the ground. I dont like that type as they can get it in there eyes easier.

There also ones simaler out there on the market so I bother trying to sell them.

I never really found a hay feeder that I liked where someone didn't want to get stuck or hurt on it.

I think the concept of yours' is basically good.

It looks like you have bent some cattle panels there.

One thing that would concern me would be if a foal could get his head stuck in there.

I also think they may be a bit too cumbersome for shipping and hard to pack.
Thanks for the input everyone.

Ashley could you direct me to the others you have found so I could get some idea of what they sell for?

I feed a grass hay so I don't have to worry about chaff in their eyes.

Marty the openings are 2" x 4" so I don't think a foal could get their head in them.

Yes they are made out of the same gauge as a cattle panel, except the openings are MUCH smaller.
I love those feeders you made (I haven't made mine yet). Yes, there are similiar ones on the market, but the bars run horizontal, not vertical too like yours. I have the mini ones that have bars that only go horizontal and they eat the hay up in no time. With the ones you've got there, it would take them much longer to eat - which would be good for me since I work long hours and don't have the luxury of multiple feedings. I don't know what you could charge for them. I know I paid $70 for each of mine.

You know the horse expo is cominig up in February at Birch Run...you could try selling some there. I guess you'd have to rent a selling booth though.

Are you going to go the expo...let me know...maybe we'll see each other there!
The ones we got, came from a sale that the guy brings them in on. These are a bit more expensive as they are heavy duty, to help with stand the exotics they are used for. I will look around on the net and see if I can find something simaler to the ones we have. Other wise I will ask my aunt this weekend what she had to pay for them.
These are very similiar to the ones I have. I also have some that have feed trays on the bottom, I bought mine at Fleet Farm and they were very inexpensive, plus they are heavy duty. I want to say around $30.00 without the trays(for the last ones I bought) and around $75.00 with the trays, (these were not from Fleet Farm) I have had mine for about 10 years now, and nver had any problems, and they are in perfect shape. Corinne
These are very similiar to the ones I have. I also have some that have feed trays on the bottom, I bought mine at Fleet Farm and they were very inexpensive, plus they are heavy duty. I want to say around $30.00 without the trays(for the last ones I bought) and around $75.00 with the trays, (these were not from Fleet Farm) I have had mine for about 10 years now, and nver had any problems, and they are in perfect shape. Corinne
the previous post is not from me, something was already in there when I tried to post, somehow it got posted under my name. Sorry to the original poster. :eek:

Whitney, Here is a picture of the hayfeeder that my husband designed. It is powder coated and has no sharp edges for the horses to get hurt on. They feed from the bottom and the hay goes down automatically, We havn't had any eye problems, or other injuries.


You can get more info from his web site


Sandy D

I can make them any size. I made mine for the minis to accomodate 1 thick flake of hay. For the big horses they will hold 4 thick flakes. I'll go out and measure them tonite if you would like exact measurements.

My sister was THRILLED with the feeders as her ponies wasted alot of hay by walking on it then refusing to eat it. Stopped the barn chewing they were doing too.
So do you think 25.00 and free shipping would be fair?
I think shipping might be pricey on these - I would charge for shipping. At only $25 plus free shipping, you wouldn't make much money, if any.
I am looking for a feeder that will accomadate a topper flake to the exhisting bottom flake. This way I could go longer between feedings, in the event of not being available to feed at certain times. It would depend on gravity to pull the top flake down as they consumed the lower flake. I use burmuda hay as well so no need to concern myself with chaff either. Where are you on the map?
Sandra dittus

Thats a wonderful idea. I could make an outdoor feeder similar to yours but with the smaller opening panels and hang it from a post instead of hanging it from a fence. I could load an entire bale in it. I could locate it in such a way that both drylots could eat from it. Thank you so much for your reply.
If I were wanting feeders -- yours would be what I am looking for - -but I don't feed enough hay to make it worth while.

If I were in the market -- made as pictured: I would be willing to pay $15 each for them -- AND PAY FOR SHIPPING on top of that. With some sort of solid back to them (still with hangers to hang on my stall gates) I would be willing to pay $20 each plus shipping.

I think they would sell best if you had them for sale at a miniature horse show -- where people could see them in person -- and could pick them up at the show - with no shipping involved.


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