Well-Known Member
My sinus head cold turned into sinus infection, so I'm on antibiotics for the next two weeks. I really don't feel too bad, but was getting tired of the coughing and irritation; saw the doctor today.
Shot?! No thank you. I'd rather take the pills for two weeks, plus he put me on Cipro, not penicillin.HA! You should have gone to your barn and given yourself a Penicillin shot!
Glad you went to the doctor and pray you'll be feeling better in no time!!!
Well, he flaked on the December appointment too; and I haven't heard from him at all.Finally heard from the farrier today, only 3 weeks after my scheduled appointment. He slid off the road and totalled his truck, although, I'm not sure why it took 3 weeks to call. Anyway, he set up an appointment for next Friday, only one day after our next scheduled appointment (I usually have a standing appointment every 4 weeks). Hopefully, all will be well, and he'll be able to make this appointment.
I did trim 3 myself, but I'll be gld for him to do Honey and the saddle horses, plus those that are due this month and the babies and Tilly. And, I think he owes me a discount due to his tardiness and lack of calling. I just hope he makes it this time. Cross your fingers for me. [if I had choices and he weren't so good at his job, I'd have kicked him to the curb months ago. He's so good at the farrier work, and so patient with the horses, but his people skills and scheduling leave something to be desired.]
Which one? They are all special.So how is our special little girl doing???
How cold do you get during the day?We were at 31 degrees the day before Christmas, and it's stayed nice and cold here during the nights -- although it's getting up in the 70's-80's during the day. I just LOVE the cold at night -- saves on running the A/C, since I can't abide the hot/warm nights.
I can handle the house at 70 without turning on the A/C or a fan, but above say 75, its too warm inside for me (Shayne likes it that hot or more inside, so its a constant struggle to keep the thermostat at around 70).During the winter we can get temperatures in the "teens" and it will warm up to the 30's. Generally, we don't have more than a week or so of the VERY cold temperatures (cold for Florida). This past week it's been nice and cool at night but is getting into the 70's during the day. I hate it when my house warms up to 70 -- and I have to turn my A/C back on. But the electric company loves me!
Almost all caught up. Did Tana, Showy and Dolly, yesterday; Che` and Baybe this morning; and, Jasper and Dakota this afternoon. That leaves the babies to do; right after the first sometime. And, then I'm caught up for a couple weeks when I need to start in on the ones that were last done in November.So frustrating some times! Glad someone was able to help you with their feet! I'd have him come up to help give you a hand catching up the minis. It's hard to keep everyone up at once,but a little help is always appreciated!!
So how is our special little girl doing???
It feels very good. Miss Baybe was very good for me, she's a bit nervous about it, but if you work slowly she is really good to work with. And, my two stinkers, Showy and Dolly, were both pretty good for me a bit wiggly, but Showy didn't rear up and Dolly didn't throw a tantrum, so all was good.It's never-ending, but it feels so good when you know they've been done!!