HC Minis - new pics pg 172

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We have them in a big paddock at calving time, then as they calve they go through the barn or at least a smaller paddock to pair up, then go out with a larger calved out group. In general, they are better off and healthier when outside; but if its really cold they go thourgh the barn long enough to dry off and pair up. They have windbreak and bedding outside, and it seems to keep them warm, once they are dry.

Speaking of which, I need to head out shortly to help feed and get the first large group of pairs moved to a larger paddock, they are almost overflowing their current pen.
My FIL saw the country snowplow this morning, so talked to him about doing our road. Shayne told his dad to only send the county plow to the top of our hill and he'll snowblow the rest (he's fixing hte blower, now), as the bottom is too deep for the county snowplow, not to mention it makes a mess of our road. Well, he came down the hill, and I think he went off the driveway (it has 3-4' deep ditches on each side), and that's why he's cock-eyed.

I'd say oops:

March 27, 2013 - country snowplow.jpg
He's unstuck now, and gone, and we probably won't ever see him again after that. Shayne got the snowblower fixed, and moved the really deep snow, so we have an open road for the moment.
With the open road, I have plans to head to town tomorrow and get some groceries and other supplies, and have lunch with Mom, before we are snowed in again. And, hopefully, the road will be open next Monday, so I can go to my meeting, I missed February and March, so hate to miss another.
Wow Chanda, those pics make me claustrophobic , how long is it since you went out?
The farrier was here on March 14th, I had been to town for feed (and a few groceries) the day before. Haven't been anywhere since. Normally, two weeks isn't a terribly big deal, but it seems that everytime our road is blocked, that is when we need something in town that we didn't need before or just ran out of.

I really need a haircut, but its going to have to wait til the weather (and roads) is a bit more predictable, as it takes at least a week to get an appointment (the gal I go to is very busy).

I need to pick up the feed I special ordered, but I'm not going to that town today, so hopefully I can pick it up Monday, if I can get to town for my meeting. I live in the middle of nowhere; 60 miles from the town we do most of our business in (it has all the stuff we need), 50 miles from the town I get half my feed in (and my chiropractor), and 37 miles from the last town, where I'm going today (shopping sucks, but my mom lives here, and they are close so I can get there and back quicker).
No pics, but I think Junior is going to be a pretty dark silver black when he sheds off. He's rubbed hair of his hinny, his little butt cheeks are missing winter woolies andthe hair underneath looks almost black; could just be the contrast with the light, almost blonde fuzzies.

Here's a refresher...

This is Junior:

Junior - Sept 17, 2012 - coming.jpg

Junior and his dam, Misty:

Junior - june 21, 2012 - with Misty.jpg

And, Topper (his sire):

topper - aug 17, 2011.jpg

Just for fun, this pic was taken just over a year ago, March 14, 2012; check it out, no snow in Topper's pen:

Topper - March 14, 2012 - cute.jpg

[Right now, his pen is flooded and still has a 4' tall, 5' wide snowbank along one fenceline. Oh, how times change.]
Thank you. I just love Topper, even when he's giving me attitude.

Our snow is slowly melting, but that is leaving lots of mud and slop to deal with. I've been taking uneaten hay and throwing it on the worst areas, but that means a huge mess to clean later when I'm cleaning corrals after it warms and dries.
Bless your heart!!! I can't imagine the mess you're having to deal with. We had some rain last night, enough to make everything sloppy, but when snow melts, it just doesn't go anywhere.
Thanks for sharing your gorgeous chips
I hope the weather starts to be kinder to you soon.
Its almost 50 above already today, and the wind is blowing, and... The water is flowing through the yard and making mud and slop everywhere. Supposed to get more snow this week sometime, but I hope it passes us by, I"ve had enough. The yard is all tore up from driving the tractor across it while its sloppy, and from removing snow when we needed to to get around.

Gotta go feed some soaked hay cubes and then help feed pairs.
I think I understand what you are saying about his mare, and this is probably how I'd describe Honey's udder, it "hangs flat". Its not full, but its not small and tight against her body. She's had health issues, not sure exactly what all despite the vet seeing her; the only thing I know for sure is she has laminitis issues and last year she had an E.Coli infection which I suspect we didn't fully get rid despite a rather long course of antibiotics (or its just back another thing to work on with her). She's thin, but bright, alert and has good appetite (she gets more than almost everyone else); her hooves don't bother her much, but her arthritis does.

The stallion was with the mares starting June 27, I think.

Here is a pic from April 2012 (I don't share many pics of HOney, as I'm not happy wiht her condition or the shape of her hooves, farrier was doing a good job bringing her around, but he abandoned us after our Oct 2012 appointment, so I've been on my own):

Honey - April 12, 2012.jpg
Just thought I'd share an update on Honey. When the vet was out last year, we discussed the possibility of Honey having Cushings based on her blood tests (not Cushing's specific, but other things being off); I didn't put her on meds last year, no good reason, but didn't really want to admit I could have two with Cushings and she doesn't have the classic Cushing's coat. Anyway, fast forward to more recently with the farrier abandoning us and so much more, I finally had a discussion with the vet about trying Cushing's Rx for Honey, now. Her scrip came last Thursday, started her on 1/2 dose 1x daily that night, increased to 1/2 dose 2x daily Monday, and today she is perkier and more mobile than she's been in months. Don't know if its the Rx or improved weather, but she's feeling a bit better. We'll go with this for awhile, and see if its for real or just wishful thinking. Just thought I'd share.

It'll be the end of this month, at least, before I have any mare stare to start. Baybe will be around 300 days the end of April.

Showy and Caddy were NOT interested in Topper last year the one cycle each I tried to cover them, so they shouldn't be pregnant. [Forgot to write down what days I tried to cover them, so don't have that information.] topper escaped 7-11, and I only wrote Tana and Misty down for that date. I need to keep better notes, so I know what's going on a year later, when I'm trying to remember stuff.

Nite, its getting late and I'm getting tired.
That is wonderful to hear that Honey has perked up
she is a lucky girl to have you as her Mum.
Any quick way to go back through a thread and find specific information? I've tried a search, but when I put the mare's name in I find nothing, so I've been looking page by page, and its very time consuming since you can't jump to specific page numbers.

I'm trying to find if I posted when I tried to breed Caddy to Topper last year, she wasn't very receptive, but looks a bit pregnant, although she's not maiden, so could just be her normal non-pregnant shape now plus she's a bit of a chub.
Maybe putting Topper in instead of Caddy will result in better hits, I didn't find what I was looking for when I searched Caddy's by name. I wish you could jump to specific pages when going through pages, instead of only being able to go up or down 2-3 pages at a time.
Ok, putting Topper in the search box got me fewer hits, which helped some. I didn't write down exact dates, at least not on this thread, but found a post on July 22, 2012 where I was waiting to catch Caddy in heat; and then one on Aug 14, 2012, that states I was waiting for another cycle as the one I tried she liked to kick his teeth in. I don't think he was able to get the job done, but at least that narrows down the possibilities for that one maybe cover.
Not doing as much this year as last year while waiting for foals, but I've completed 1 horse quilt, one horse quilt ready for quilting, completed a couple tablerunners.

This one is now finished, but I still don't have a pic of finished project:

Horse quilt 1 - 2013 - in process.jpg

This one needs to be quilted:

horse quilt 2 - 2013 - border trial.jpg

This is the tablerunner:

10-minute tablerunner - pansy.jpg

And, this might be the start of my next project, here's my test block:

Fairy Quilt 1 - test block 1 - April 2013.jpg

Still deciding on a design and pattern, so far just have the fabric picked out; the two fabrics in this block plus 3 more from the same line.
Oh wow they are all beautiful but I love the second blanket. You are so clever
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