The site was down, and we lost our Like button, bummer.
Diane, I can get ok cubes from one supplier, but they won't be delivering this way again til the first week of October (I think). I did call the CoOp today, and the office girl said she'd look into it, but she'd been sick for two days, so was playing catch up and it might take a bit for her to get to my request, so we'll see. In the meantime, I'm contacting the few people I know that might have small squares, but not looking good so far.
For now, the girls are back on morning grazing, and they have access to the straw stack in their grazing area, it has two grass bales in it on the bottom that they have already dug into. When Shayne has a chance, he'll move some bales around so we have better access, in the meantime, I just need to keep a close eye that the upper bales aren't going to fall.