Topper had an escapade today... I've been using a mesh panel to block off an area for him to graze, it was only attached at one end, the other just bent (curved) and stuffed along the building wall, well today, he pushed it out til it popped open and went on an excursion across the yard. I'm going to guess he politely said hi to the geldings and mares, cause no one was worked up and he was happily grazing the unfenced area between the gelding pen and mare pasture. I know I want to cover a couple mares this summer, so I've been debating hand breeding or turning him out with the girls, after today's outing I just might try turning him loose with the mares for a month or so. I might just find out he's an idiot if I put him in with the mares, but there is only one way to find out (I'll let Dolly and Caddy out to graze in a different spot, as I don't want them bred). Just thinking.