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Well-Known Member
Oct 10, 2005
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few months ago i found a kitten and he appears that he fell out the hay loft and kinda walks like hes drunk, anyways. i have him in a small airy dog cage with a small litter box and little cat house and food and water. hes doing well but i don't trust him to be out to long with the other barn cats. i'm scared if the tomcat would fight him and i see him killed other tom cats. anyways my parents want me to let him go, and i'm scared of his safey. they think its bad. i had a cat Harness for him to take walks with too. to them its bad and wrong. just trying to keep him alive. he's name is doc. these are pics this summer, hes in the barn right now.


Well, living in a little cage like that is IMO no life for a cat. I'm not saying he should be put out with the other cats because yes, it's likely he is going to get hurt, killed or run off by that tom cat. However, if it were me and the only 2 choices were to keep him in the cage or put him out with the other cats, I would choose option C, put him to sleep. Anyone that knows me will know I don't say that lightly, because everyone knows how much I love cats & how hard it is for me to put one to sleep. But, my first thought is what is best for the cat? Here we do not keep intact male cats around--all our rescues get neutered and spayed; if there is a wild tom cat that is beating up on other cats, he gets trapped & sent to animal control. Is there a rescue you could contact? Perhaps they could find a home where this kitten could be kept as a house pet?

Years ago I had a brain damaged cat--she was one of my many rescues, and before I found her, someone had abused her. I have no idea what all they did to her, but she had cut-off whiskers, bleached tail, brain/inner ear damage & some sort of damage to her jaw. She was a house cat here & did overcome many of her problems--there was a certain amount of healing and the rest she learned to compensate for.
Put an ad in your local paper-

"Really dozy, brain damaged kitten that no-one in their right mind would want, seeks like minded human" Works every time!!!
Aw! You are being very kind hearted to be taking care of the injured kitten. But, it is not happy or a good life for him to live inside a cage like this one. I understand why you don't want to let him out, and I know tom fights can be deadly, especially to such a fragile kind of cat. I am sure he couldn't defend himself.

Do you have a spare stall (yeah, the rarest thing in existence when it comes to minis!)? Or can you have him neutured? The tom may not see him as a threat if he were fixed?

When I was a teenager, we had a cat who I named Duran (urgh), but as a kitten, she accidentally got slammed in the outside heavy door. She had water on her brain and was not expected to live and walked drunk. But, she did recover (over a couple week period). But, she was never really "right" in the head. She got the new name "Crazy". You could pet her and she'd be purring then she would snap and attack you. If she got in the house, she'd end up under the bed growling and snarling like a mountain lion.

Amazingly, this couple that lived in our neighborhood sort of took her in not knowing she had a home. We think she started going to their property to hunt. Somehow, our family figured out that couple was taking her in, feeding her, etc. So, we shared her. The wife was so attached to Crazy (I think they called her Samantha). When they would go away, WE would go to their house to feed her the Fancy Feast they gave her. Of all the pets my family had, that someone would fall in love with crazy Crazy was pretty amazing. That couple had to move to the other coast, and of course, we let them take their crazy Samantha with them.

So, they can recover but it sounds like given the amount of time, this kitten will be as he is for now on...

If you can get him to a vet, there may be things that could be done. Once one of my shih-tzu's started walking in circles and falling over. Naturally, it happened late evening after the vet was closed. She had been acting depressed for a few days but is ultra sensitive. We had gotten a new bed and I thought that had disturbed her (with her, that would be logical). I was so sick to death worried for Willow, but it turned out the only thing wrong with her was an ear infection. She had to stay at the vet a few days to be treated, but recovered fine.
When I lived in Georgia (a long time ago) the vet that I used for my cats and dogs had a cat that lived at his clinic -- the cat had something wrong with his nervous system and was "spastic" --- he walked canted sideways and writhed around -- but was always purring and playing and was the most affectionate cat you have ever seen -- he was well taken care of and lived indoors (and as far as I know he may still be alive) the vet did neuter him early on --

some cats are just born that way -- if he can have a home as an indoor cat -- he could have a long and happy life. Of course I don't know your particular cat -- and this may not be related at all --

Maybe that is all he needs

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I agree with both Rabbitsfizz and JJay (Bluerocket). He needs a home where he can live indoors. A well-worded ad in the paper may spark a cat-lover's sympathy.

rabbitsfizz said:
Put an ad in your local paper-"Really dozy, brain damaged kitten that no-one in their right mind would want, seeks like minded human"  Works every time!!!


That's a fabulous suggestion!!! LOL!!!

Good for you for trying so hard for that kitten! I agree with most of the others that that little cage is no life for him, and neither would it be any good with the other cats. Simply finding a new home for him is definitely your best bet. Good luck!

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