Well-Known Member
I started getting this rash a little over a week ago. Where it started, my legs is some better, but each day it is in a new place, and today it's my face. So I have now just about had it everywhere.
I have no allergies, have not changed a thing, not detergent, softener, shampoo, soap, NOTHING.
Haven't eaten anything different,,,,,,,I like the same ole. Made a list of things, went and checked them, nope, no changes. None in the barn either.
It does itch a ton. It is not poison ivy or oak. 2 doctors do not know. Benadryl does not help. 3 different anti-itch creams later, no better. Oatmeal baths do nothing.
The only other symptom,,,,,my eyes burn and too are dry.
For a description, kind of looks like chicken pox. I've had that. Checked for bugs, maybe bites. Nothing.
I have about 50 on each leg,,,,,25 per arm,,,,,20 on back,,,,,,,,,,,20 on face,,,,,,,and can feel it in my scalp. Yeah, it looks pretty crappy. None in ears, or nose, or armpits.
I have no allergies, have not changed a thing, not detergent, softener, shampoo, soap, NOTHING.
Haven't eaten anything different,,,,,,,I like the same ole. Made a list of things, went and checked them, nope, no changes. None in the barn either.
It does itch a ton. It is not poison ivy or oak. 2 doctors do not know. Benadryl does not help. 3 different anti-itch creams later, no better. Oatmeal baths do nothing.
The only other symptom,,,,,my eyes burn and too are dry.
For a description, kind of looks like chicken pox. I've had that. Checked for bugs, maybe bites. Nothing.
I have about 50 on each leg,,,,,25 per arm,,,,,20 on back,,,,,,,,,,,20 on face,,,,,,,and can feel it in my scalp. Yeah, it looks pretty crappy. None in ears, or nose, or armpits.