Help on my filly with appy pattern

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rockin r

Well-Known Member
Jun 16, 2005
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OK for all you color experts out there...I am not familiar with apps,
: so please help me out on my filly. Her dam is solid black, her sire black and white pinto...Thanks

Get back to the breeder- the pedigree is not correct or the colours are not correct as to get an Appy you have to have an Appy.

At present the foal is a blanket spot, looks like Silver Black base but could be Smoky Black.
Where are you getting the color information from on your filly's parents? Perhaps the mare was a solid when reg'd(appys can change color as they age) and no one ever had it changed. Also, if the breeder told you the mare was solid, perhaps she meant solid, as in not a leopard, and not a blanketed or spotted appy, but was a solid appy?(characteristics etc.) You really need to see if you can find more details outabout the parents...about what they look like NOW, and not when they were younger. Do you have pics of her parents?
Where are you getting the color information from on your filly's parents? Perhaps the mare was a solid when reg'd(appys can change color as they age) and no one ever had it changed. Also, if the breeder told you the mare was solid, perhaps she meant solid, as in not a leopard, and not a blanketed or spotted appy, but was a solid appy?(characteristics etc.) You really need to see if you can find more details outabout the parents...about what they look like NOW, and not when they were younger. Do you have pics of her parents?
I own her dam, she is a solid black, Donte`s Mom...Correction to my post..her sire was a blk/white app. not a pinto.

This is her dam


That does make just a wee bitty difference.

Silver Black Apps do look very similar to Black base Apps- it is because the colour in the spots intensifies- so a Chestnut Appy will often look like a Bay base (this is Leopard- near Leopards are easier to tell) and a Bay base will often look Black base.

I would say Daddy is a Silver base- or of course he could be a Smoky Black Appy- isn't this fun??

Aren't you glad you asked???
lovely color and such huge spots! I'd say she's a silver black spotted blanket

Wow very pretty filly with a very unique spotted blanket! I love those LARGE spots on her!! She looks like she could be a smokey black or a silver black, with that flaxen mane and tail she has to have silver at work in there somewhere (we just went through this with my appy filly lol).

Yes reading that dad is a black and white APPY does help a lot! I too thought at first that mom must be a characteristic in order to get an appy filly but now it makes sense. Does mom have an appy or pinto parent? I am fascinated that she is black, has black skin on her nose and eyes, but has white hooves!!! curious curious =)


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