Ok my coming yearling filly accidentally got with my stallion. Is there any way she could breed and take? Her birthday is 6-10-10. I am not sure if she has even had her first heat yet? THANK YOU
It is possible that she could be bred. A couple of years ago I sold a weanling filly,the new owner separated fillies from the colts. Her stallion got out, filly had a foal when she was not even quite two years old. The owner told me the filly had never ever come into heat ,one day she came out and found that this almost two year old had a foal. She must have got bred on her very first heat cycle. So it is unlikely but it is possible.
Just had to deal with a fence jumping stallion in with a 32 yr old mare in heat...my vet recommended a series of three shots, as Dr. Taylor said one is not 100% successful.