Help with my daughter

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Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2005
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My daughter will be two next month. And lately she has been fighting sleep with everything shes got. We were doing good for a while. I would put her in bed & she would whine a little bit but shed be quiet & asleep in 5-10 minutes. Now for the past couple of weeks she has been screaming & kicking & she even gets out of bed & comes & finds me. Is there anything I can do? Its not that Im putting her to bed before shes tired, and she isnt over tired. I hate to hear her crying too.


I am going to sound so strange to you and others I am sure but.....young children are very sensitive to "other" things, spirits, feelings, perhaps she senses something in her room. ask her. OR when my son was that age we went thru this, we had a man douse the house for energy paths and found he was sleeping in the middle of a bad one so we moved his bed and it stopped. SO...I would move the bed first, sit with your daughter and tell her, off to sleep, no one here or in heaven will harm you, you are loved and and safe and I'll be here when you awaken. I would also suggest putting some AMETHYST in her room to help her sleep.

Ok...start laughing but I am very serious!
Is she still sleeping in the afternoon??

If so cut it out, cold turkey.

And also do what Debs suggests
My little Colton is two, now, and he's still napping in the afternoon, HOWEVER, his sleepiness and bedtime are all dependent on whatever else might be going on.

I've never been one to enforce a strict schedule and I'm very lucky I don't have to, but this is what I would do:

Create a nighttime ritual that would begin say about an hour before sleep time and have it involve perhaps a light, soothing snack, something non sugary and fairly bland perhaps sugar free yogurt or cottage cheese, a piece of string cheese, etc.

Then we would brush our teeth, wash our face (or bathe briefly), and read a book, tell stories and/or sing songs quietly or watch a tv program quietly (there are lots of GREAT DVDs for little ones that are bedtime oriented like Goodnight, Moon or Where the Wild Things Are, Baby Einstein, etc.) and then work on tucking in to bed.

Try to curtail lots of physical activity at least two hours prior to bed (I know how hard this can be with toddlers, believe me), and if things are still too rowdy or she fights it, you might add in a little soothing back and body massage w/some of the sleepy-oriented lotions for babies (they sell them at baby stores, even some major grocery and variety stores), even things you can put in the bath to help them relax.

I've never had too much trouble with my toddlers sleeping though they do get somewhat stubborn about sleep sometimes, my philosophy has been to let them go til they collapse basically but with some of the above, I can "enforce" a bedtime if I want to, they just don't know that I'm doing it.

Good luck with this.

Liz M.
My grandaughter who is now 4 was like that at 2 and is still like that. Seems like she needs less sleep than others BUT she wakes up miserable in the morning if she doesn't get enough sleep. Not sure what happens before you put your little guy to bed, if he is running around and playing etc. I watched an episode of 911 nanny or title something like that and she was trying to help a family that had a son who did this and of course the mother would get upset and end up getting into bed with her son until he would calm down and go to sleep finally after more than an hour and a half! The "nanny" said that was the worse thing she could be doing and basically told her that right before bedtime, for about a 1/2 hour before she needed to do things that would "wind" the child down, meaning no running around and getting hyper, etc. Basically a quiet activity of perhaps reading to the child.... She also told the mother that for the first few days she wanted her to put her son to bed, close the light, and stay in the room at a distance, so the child could still see her BUT that the child was told he had to stay in bed. If he got out of bed she was to not say anything to the child but pick him up and put him back in bed. The first night she had to put him back in bed a dozen times but he fell asleep within 45 minutes. The second night she was to do the same, took less time ... the third night she was to get closer to the door, the child fell asleep within 20 minutes. Keep doing that until the child falls asleep within 10 minutes. Progress where you need not be staying in the room. At first when I watched this I thought that will never work and I felt for this mother because the child was screaming the first two nights and the mother was so upset but she followed what the "nanny" said to a T and it worked beautifully and finally their household was "calm" at bedtime without tantrums and the child working himself up.

Good luck
Thank you for all the advice, I will deffinently try it. :aktion033:

Dimimore - I wasnt laughing, Im going to start by moving the bed, & I have a large chunk of amethyst I will place by her bed.

I will also be cutting out nap time. A few days ago she missed her nap & was fine, she also fell asleep earlier & easier.

Thanks again. Im sure she will be sleeping better soon.
Excellent, now be sure to tell her how "magical this stone is", tell her how the sparkles are tiny stars just for her to keep her safe and sleepy ALL nite long (or nap long) and that she'll have such pretty dreams to tell you about in the morning.

My littles took naps until they were 3 or so. Gosh they needed nap, so did I, at least a rest time. Depending on when they get up it's really tuff!

Aidan gets up somedays at 6 am, by 10:30 he is so sleepy and has a nice nap. Other days he'll get up at 8 and sit and play, then he won't go for a nap until after lunch but he is always ready. We have a ritual and a lovey.

Does she have a lovey? If not get one quick! Aidan's is a beanie baby lamb called "Ewe" seriously
: , you know.... I love Ewe, where are Ewe? Whatever, when he does meltdown some of Grammy's m&ms and where's Ewe always works.

Aidan will be 2 in Nov. He adores using his "stones" for ****oos and sleepies.
hate to tell you this, but none of my kids sleep..... i havn't had a full nights kip for 11 yrs...

we tried everythig, when we put them up to bed they sleep for an hour or so, then all heck breaks loose.... my husband and i take it in turns each night, the one on duty is up at least 20 times... no joke,.. and they are all up each morning at 6am, and very happy... all day,( we are shattered).

my eldest didn't sleep all night till he was 9...... i cant wait till 8 years time whhen my youngest is 9, i'll have only missed 18yrs sleep.............................. help!!!!!!!
My daughter has always been a good sleeper, but not my son. When he was about 2 he would fight going to bed, now he goes into bed, but plays quietly, he is 5. He drew a picture one time around 2 or 2 1/2 and it was of him playing and some big person. I asked him who the big person was and he said grandpa. Both his grandpas are deceased, he never met them. I asked him how he knew it was grandpa and he said he told him. I told him to keep talking to grandpa, it was ok and he loved him very much. Since then he did not fight going to bed. He may not go to sleep, but he is in bed, that is half the fight! Both his grand pas were wonderful people.
I used to Poo-Poo the idea of using stones/crystals. But then, I found myself actually drawn to certain ones without knowing why or which they were. After doing some research, I found out why........ And then just recently, I was having a particularly horrid day and decided to wear a pendant that Dimimore had made...... Within minutes the stress I was feeling faded away! Now I call them "comfort stones"......

In addition to using the "comfort stone" that Dimimore suggested, I also advocate what some other people have suggested......(These are what I did for my own difficult "fledgling"! )

Naps are probably no longer needed. (Bri stopped taking naps between age 2 to 3.)

NO sugar foods before a couple of hours from bedtime. (We established 7:30 as the sugar deadline, and still live by it, although her normal bedtime is 9 pm.)

Evening bath. Followed by teeth brushing, dressing in jammies, and gathering of "nighttime" blanket or toy.

Bedtime story, followed by a prayer and a "tuck-in" kiss.......

Brianna found a lot of security in our doing a regular schedule like that.

Cut out sugar and if she's having a afternoon sleep then cut that out too, keep her extremely active in the day time and maybe shes not sleepin cause of fear s a nite light will help. Hope this helps!
Well, I was cleaning house and noticed this was still in my note box. How is the bedtime going? Better?
[SIZE=18pt]I'm no help on this subject as my 3 1/2 year old won't stay in his bed. My 6 year old daughter always did, but not him. He goes to bed at 8 with Daddy, I come up and put him in his bed at between 10-11. He stays there for any where from 1-6 hours. But he always wakes up crying and comes into our room. I can't get him to go back in his room after that. He cries and screams. I've moved his bed seversl times he has a night light that lights up the whole room, has all his stuffed animals and his silky blanket. He just won't stay there. I'm going to try the amethyst, but any other suggestions?[/SIZE]

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