happy appy
Well-Known Member
Well I am new here to start and I have a question. I have had a mare and cryptiod colt together for 4 years. They were both rescues that arrived within a month of each other about 4 years ago. They have been penned together for that whole period. The colt has both testicles retained and the vet said that since the mare has never had a heat in the 4 years that I have owned her that wouldn't be a problem. The mare was 2 when she arrived and the colt just 1 year old. Well in the spring of last year I seen him mount the mare for the first and only time. The mare is in foal. Had the vet check to comfirm. Now my question is do minis carry for 340 days? 326 days? 320 Days? I have found all different dates on the web. I thought I would come here and ask what actual breeders had as a concensus.