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Feb 16, 2006
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Hello, I have a mare due to foal soon. I purchased a 2.4 GHz video surveillance System to put in my barn to monitor her. The system doesn't seem to work. :no:

The barn is a pole barn and is a fair amount of distance from the house, probably a couple of hundred feet. The signal has to travel into a mobile home and onto my TV. Anyone with any advice on something to try to get it to work?? Also, has anyone tried a sound system with their mares?? If so, how did it work and what did you use??


Do you also have a wireless phone? If you do and both are 2.4 mhz they will interfere with each other.

Do you have any picture at all? All fuzz? Bouncing image? It might be too far away.

I used a wireless system this year, through a metal barn without any problems. The barn is probably 30' away from the house.
I have no real suggestions for you camera system we are over 100 feet away and so is my daughter and we have no problem with either house receiving signal. Hers is a double wide but it does have vinyl siding my siding is wood and the barn is wood but as for a sound system we use a baby monitor and it works fine. One of our cameras also has sound.
I bought a wireless camera system from Radio Shack. 1 color camera about the size of a half dollar and it is wireless and will transmit up to 330 feet. It has a perfect picture on my tv and you can also record the images to video or dvd. ($120.00). Then I bought also from Radio Shack a intercom system 2 units. ($50.00)The only problem with them is that the intercoms have to be running off the same electric. I have 2 different electric transformers here, one for the barn and one for my home, so I had to run 300 feet of heavy duty electric cord from my house to the barn for it to work. But the sound is great. What I like about the camera is that I can still watch tv and see the mares in their barn (picture in a picture)!! Good Luck Theresa

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