Here's An Item by Item Comparison the Candidates

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I'd love to come hang out with you folks in the top bracket for a while. Because then I could probably pay off my car, afford my own house, AND STILL be able to make the contributions to charity, taxes, and this country that I want to make.
[SIZE=10pt]A sign of wisdom and maturity is when you come to terms with the realization that your decisions cause your rewards and consequences. You are responsible for your life, and your ultimate success depends on the choices you make. [/SIZE]

-- Denis Waitley
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Thanks for posting this Jill
It is a good break down for those of us who don't stay up to date with all this political hub-bub
If you are having a hard time paying for things now just think how much harder it will be if MORE of your money is getting taken away? I know I can't aford more of the money I EARN going to someone who is riding the system.

My mom works for a college in their Financial Aid office. You know what most of the kids do with those "FEDERAL GRANTS" TAKE A VACATION!!! That's my hard earned money. Know the last time I took time off work? Last year to go to my uncles funeral. Before that I can't remember the last time I took a vacation.
Very interesting point and certainly the layout is helpful and informative.

Before I comment I will say I am not a US citizen but I am a legal alien:)as my visa refers to me

So I don't vote. But I am a liberal thinker and would lean pretty far left!

I do find it fascinating how different we all are.

I read this post by Jill

"Well, I'm more in favor of personal responsibility (vs. social program handouts) which is one huge reason I'm a life long Republican. Like I said before, the harder I work and the more I achieve, the more Republican I feel"

My dearest friend a very conservative republican would share this view completely. However, she grew up in a very privaledged home and so hardwork = success for her.

I must say I was very fortunate too and had the opportunity to go to excellent schools, colleges and had access to the very best Ireland had to offer. Not because I worked hard just because I was lucky the family I was born into!

It is for this very reason that I feel my personal responsibility and that of the Government is to "give back through social programs" to give to those, who through no choice of theirs, were born less fortunate so that they can go on to succeed and become personally responsible. Which is why I would vote left:)

Because for many no matter how hard they work because of their reality, not choice, they do not have the same opportunities I had handed to me for free!

The more I achieve, the more fortunate I become, the more I feel obligated to give back to those who are without.

My friend and I agree to totally disagree!!!!!!!!!!!
My mom works for a college in their Financial Aid office. You know what most of the kids do with those "FEDERAL GRANTS" TAKE A VACATION!!!
I can not believe that you would post that as the truth. Would really like to see the proof to back that up. It seems to me that to have a real, meaningful discussion one should stick to FACTS. One loses all credibility when personal opinion is stated as being a fact with no proof to validify the statements.

I have followed most of these political posts the last few days and am supprised at how so many seem to be like limmings, happily following along to be eagerly lead off the cliff.

I can post that as truth because they flat out tell my mom what they are going to do with it. This is not opinion it comes straight from those students mouths.
My dearest friend a very conservative republican would share this view completely. However, she grew up in a very privaledged home and so hardwork = success for her. I must say I was very fortunate too and had the opportunity to go to excellent schools, colleges and had access to the very best Ireland had to offer. Not because I worked hard just because I was lucky the family I was born into!

It is for this very reason that I feel my personal responsibility and that of the Government is to "give back through social programs" to give to those, who through no choice of theirs, were born less fortunate so that they can go on to succeed and become personally responsible. Which is why I would vote left:)

Because for many no matter how hard they work because of their reality, not choice, they do not have the same opportunities I had handed to me for free!

The more I achieve, the more fortunate I become, the more I feel obligated to give back to those who are without.

My friend and I agree to totally disagree!!!!!!!!!!!
I agree with you totally. I have a best friend who believes the opposite of me when it comes to politics. We to have agreed to disagree and it works just fine for us

As for MOST students using federal grants to go on vacation I to have a hard time believing that.

The students I know scrimp and save and use every penny for tuition, school books that can be over $700 a semester as well as living expenses while at school.
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Wow, this is an interesting thread to say the least and its interesting to see both sides of the coin. Looking at the tables (comparison tables) that were posted I find some may be accurate but others are not telling the full story, at least by what we have been told by each candidate. I would hope McCain has been around (senate) for 22 years, the man is 71 years old? and Obama is 44?

One thing I do find is americans that keep using the word "socialized" when it comes to medicine and their take on it is as it's like leprosy or something. I don't get it. Can I ask a question of those of you in the U.S. as to how much do you have to spend monthly for your health plans? and in all the claims you have made how many have been denied? Have any of you lost homes or are in major debt because of medical bills? Is it okay for a child to be denied health care because their parents don't have a health plan? or can't afford it? Adults have conrol, kids do not.

It would be interesting to know whether the tax hikes that is in the "table" provides here, the one talking about Obama, wether that includes "universal" health care coverage?

I further understand that in the U.S. you are allowed to deduct your mortgage payments on your taxes? Here in Canada that is not an option. The table at the beginning of this thread, am I correct in assuming that the tax table represents "net" income after all possible deductions have been calculated.

Oh good grief. Sorry I have the t.v. on and am watching CTV news (local news). They are reporting on the Republican convention and one gentleman made the following statement "Oh they love Palin in Canada because of hockey you know"
Sorry but that truly ticks me off. I ADORE hockey but what a stupid stupid statement and hopefully Americans aren't so gullible to believe such an ignorant statement. Just because I love hockey sure doesn't mean I like Palin, good grief. As a matter of fact I don't like Palin at all. I much preferred Hillary and I believe she would have made a good President for the U.S. One of the main reason I don't like Palin is her stance on abortion which includes "incest and rape" victims. I don't believe that the government should have any right over a woman's body, end of story. Taking away that freedom to chose from women will set womens right back and her stance on removing sex education in schools is draconian and will only exacebate the teen pregnancy in the U.S. Combine both those together and it's a recipe for many poor young girls being forced to raise children in poverty. I sure hope Americans give us more credit than just being "passionate about hockey". Sorry to vent but if that guy was in front of me.... it wouldn't be pretty, ROFL.

One thing I do hope is that you two candidates come out during the next 60 some odd days and state EXACTLY what they plan on doing during their term should they be elected. Then it will be much easier if you hear things directly from them and not from the media reading things from 2007 or earlier.
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I believe this to be true that a lot of this college money is given to the wrong kids. When my son was in college back in '83-84-85 there were kids there that were going on a free ride. One had a doctor for a Dad and a Lawyer for a Mother. He was going to Stevens Point College on our money. My husband and I worked for $5.60 and $4.85 an hour respectively. We lived a simple life and paid our bills so consequently we did not owe anyone a lot of money. We owned our house so no interest to deduct. As a result of this our son could get absolutely NO financial aid. He had to go on student loans, So Yes some of this money is going into the wrong hands. The more you owe the better chance you get from the Government. That is what is the problem with this country. We are (most of us) living beyond our means. That is the downfall of this country. It is not the Presidents fault.
Stating something as fact about what "most" students do based off of one person's experiences with some students really isn't fair, and cannot be considered factual.
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Danielle, to answer your question health insurance through my job is $900 a month. I don't make $900 a month at this job. I suspect it's high because I'm a part-time employee and it costs them more to insure me. If I were full time it would be lower.
I think to be fair to BOTH candidates that people should go to each of the candidates websites and see exactly what they are offering as far as lets say health care. What I see in the tables provided does not give an accurate picture and leads people to not have the full information which is important to be informed correctly.
Exactly right. Too many people accept what "facts" they are fed at face value and applaud said facts - without further investigation. Laura posted the tax info from Snopes to show how inaccurate that was...

BTW - McCain has also flip-flopped on some issues....

Stating something as fact about what "most" students do based off of one person's experiences with some students really isn't fair, and cannot be considered factual.
Agreed. I have never known anyone who used their student loans for "vacations"....
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Thanks for the comparision sheet Jill.

As a dyed in the wool Democrat (okay I was pro Nixon although not old enough to vote - lol), you could not pay me to vote for Obama!!!!

Seriously I don't mean to disrespect anyones opinions but I do not get the appeal of that guy. He's inexperienced, his platform of 'its not your fault, we'll change things and please whine some more' I just find reprehensible. There is a big difference from a handout and a hand up. I'm all for helping people to stand on their own two feet with a percentage of our annual income earmarked for charitable purposes. But, I do not support the ever-growing American attitude of 'its not my fault'. That is not what made our country great but it is what will sink us.

Now I do not agree with McCain 100% and would actively be letter writing/calling my congressional representatives on some things should they come to pass, but his overall experience, integrity and abilities are what we need in a President.

The only thing I could see worse for our country than Bush's second term is Obama in office!!! Surprisingly ALL my democrat friends are voting McCain as well. I had expected more of a division as is the usual, but not so!
....Thanks Mary Lou,,,,

She sounds lovely.
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Thanks for the link to a very interesting article Mary Lou. I do have to say that my outbursts during tonight's speech nearly woke up both kids
Yes the truth does come out and she definitely is a Republican that loves to spend taxpayers money. There is no doubt that she did deliver the well writen speech, one that makes her sound good but for someone who truly knows her it didn'y hold much truth. I truly believe she will only put our country futher in debt by catering to the rich and ignoring the real problems that has come about from having a Republican at the head. She may look good but that just enough to run this wonderful country that is in danger in many ways.

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