Well-Known Member
I found Paolo on www.gotdonkey in December. Well, all the i's are dotted and t's crossed now, and he is coming on Sunday!!!! I am so excited, I could squeal! He has been an only equine in at the seller's farm in Southern IL since fall, but his lonely days are about over! I just can't wait to find out all of Paolo's little cute donkey things he does. He is being picked up around 1 pm on Saturday. And he will (God willing!) be here around 7 am Sunday! He will be eventually bred to(I don't want to have too many little ones per year & will rotate the mares) a red & white pinto mare (28"), silver-dapple Shetland Pony (she was a rescue, and is healthy now-not certain if she can get pregnant...36 inches) and dark brown 31 inch mare, and the little black (28") mare. He definately won't be lonely anymore!

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