Fizz we don't know what to do yet about the car. We didn't have collision, just liability but State Farm already told us that due to the air bags deployment, they would have totaled it out due to replacement costs of $1400. just for that.
I've been calling around the junk yards and there are quite a few Escorts there, same model and color so we might be able to go get a bumper, a fender and air bags and a windshield from them. I know Jerry would hate to see this little car go to junk because they over hauled the engine on it during the summer and worked on the tranny, all new tires, you name it, and that thing runs fabulous and now has only about 100 miles on the new engine and the interior is like new. It does still run too, but trying to fix it now in the winter even in the garage with heat would take a long time but it is possible. You know, if he were a rotten kid I wouldn't care so much, but you'd have to know him. Not meaning to brag but this kid is just a plain nice kid and very sweet. Lazy maybe and a big slob yes, but he's so funny and always the one that comes up with the funniest things. I think sometimes being a mom sucks when you see you kid sad. We'll work through it like everything else. The world's not coming to an end over this and it could have been so much worse. He's lucky they both walked away.
There is poverty all around us here right under our noses every day and people suffering from Katrina and Rita and bad things going on everywhere. So, we had a bit of a fender-bender and the kid is sad, well ok. But he's going to come home to food and a roof over his head and more browies on the table and a mother that loves him to pieces. Life is full of ups and downs and he's not a baby so he can get used to it. So life dealt him some lemons, so we'll make lemonade.