Holiday cards

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Well-Known Member
Nov 30, 2002
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Southern, NJ
These are just a couple of samples of cards that I designed last year through my photo program Photo Explosion Deluxe. (I finally figured out how to save them in a format that I could post them on here.)

To those who have been asking about ideas and what some look like, here's just a couple ofmine. Both times I "cloned Hershee onto a new venue, and on the "mystical" one I added the text to the cover and used them as photo cards as well. Hope this gives inspiration and ideas!


Thanks Corinne!!

Tiff-- I send them out thru my e-mail program. Your e-mail program should have an attachment button where you can do this with.
Wow, those are great! Now I need to get into that program and learn how to do things like that!

Thanks Shelley. I'm still learning new things on this program, but to me it's pretty user friendly. I'm going to "attempt" animations thru the e-cards this year...don't know how that will work or even if I can do it with this program yet....but I will be working on it.
They are simply gorgeous. You really have such an amazing eye for this stuff. You are one of the most multitalented people on earth.

I just found out that I have a clone thing in my microsoft picture it. The directions on it told me how to use it but only to repair like little scratch type marks in pictures, so I just learned that last night.

Can you tell me how else you used your clone tool to do something like that? In great detail though of course.......
ok well here's another question about emailing them.

When I get an email with attachment sometimes the picture loads right up there. But other times I have to click on the attatchment and then go to "download" and hope it does after it's scanned for attachments.

Why is that?

And how do I get it to send to people to be right there when they first open their email instead of having to click on the attachment and go through the download process?
Very pretty!

Thanks for sharing them.

Liz M.
O.K Thanks.- I get the mail attachement,

Now as for the card- Is it a"card" in your program or a page- or can it be a page in a "word program"?


Edited- Thanks for Sharing- I had no idea what they looked like until this Thread
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Thanks Staci!! Oh you should see how we smother her with kisses!!! She's so used to it she climbes on the couch and waits for her face to be held and kissed ...and kissed...and kissed!!!

Nootka--thanks! You're very welcome!! I'm just glad I figured out how to turn them back into Jpeg's!!

Marty --as far as the cloning option goes. I am using the Photo Explosion program, and I'll go back and check on a couple more of my paint programs and see how they are set up, but what I do is choose the pic and then it has a little frame on the left that comes up where you can zoom in and out of and that's the piece I work off of. (That will be the actual "body" I want to clone onto another picture) It also has the main pic in the center of the frame which in this case was the scenery. I take the "body" and set the little wand target onto it, then the scenery piece and start the process of cloning it onto the scenery. You have to move the wand around from the "body" piece you're working off of until you get the full "body" you want onto the scenery. You may have to play with it a few times to actually get the hang of it. But once you get the hang of it you'll want to be putting bodies everywhere! It's really neat. I hope that gives you an idea. It's kind of hard to explain without actually showing you.

As far as the e-mail attachment is concerned, I'm not very sure about how the attachments work. I'm going to be playing around with mine in the weeks to come so if I find anything out I will definitely let yoll know. Maybe there is one of our computer savvy members here that can answer some of these questions? (Maybe Farmhand has an answer or some ideas?)

Tiff--yes the card is an actual card in my program. I can print it out as a half folded, or quarter folded card, or I can make it into a photo card which these two pictured are up top. It depends on how I want to use them. I don't do my cards off of a word program. The Photo Explosion itself has options for words and such where you can design your own greetings as well as add your pics.

As I go on learning I'll keep sharing! I'm sure there's more to know and learn, this is what I've come across from geting the program last year.
You do a GREAT job!!! What talent!!! I still think you should do a card with Manny and his BIG hair ... it's not my photo so I'm not going to post it, but you know the one ... it's a GREAT picture!!!

Very nice Sterling. You are very talented. I'd like to do our cards on the computer, but I'm not sure yet. I may just buy a couple boxes this year. With moving, we didn't mail any out last year. Hmmm...I wonder if anyone noticed!!

The EMAIL card I did last year is on my website.

BTW...Great to see you again too! It's good to be back.
Thanks opie and Shari!!

LOL...Liz you mean the Rod Stewart one? Hmmm where IS that one I have to look for it in my horsie CD file!

Janine----I'll take a look at your website..I wanna see your card from last year.
I *still* have up the card you did last year!

I never took it down

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