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Well-Known Member
Jul 14, 2004
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It is up in the sky -- it is very, VERY, VEEERRRRY bright - kind of makes my "mole - eyes" hurt to look at it ! ! !

I have heard people talk about this thing call The SUN - wonder if that is what "IT" is -- boy, I hear it is a wonderful thing, brings warm weather to you, dries up mud, helps really scruffy horses shed their winter coats, helps get mares cycling, makes it fun for the new foals to go out and play without 2 blankets on them - wow, "IT" must be a wonderful thing if it can do all that!

We have had so much rain, snow, sleet, fog, and more rain, snow, sleet and fog these past several months that I had pretty much figured that thing call The SUN didn't exist any more --- but it does - "IT" is there this morning - still pretty cold (as in ice on the tubs and frozen ground) -- but it is really pretty -- I am going to go out and see if all they say about it is true ! ! !

Hmmmm I'm looking around
and I don't see a sun. AND we are expecting another snow storm with 6 or more inches starting sometime today. Hopefully our weather man was telling a little white lie like he usually does.
What is this bright glowing orb you speak of?

I see nothing but normal clouds!

Have you been.... you know.... sip sip? Too much foal watch?

The glowing orb is out today here but they are calling for rain seven out of the next ten days! (7 out of 10). *Sigh*
I thought I saw this legendary thing you call "the sun" yesterday, but alas, it has gone the way of Bigfoot and the Loch ness Monster...now you see it, now you don't. We're getting a snow storm tomorrow....yipppeee.
no sun here either

It was gorgeous 2 days ago....then the rain came....now the dreaded 's' word is on it's way....*sigh* isn't winter finished already???

Please tell me that Kansas doesn't have snow anymore (I heard they had a snow storm last week)....or at least that by this time next week, it will be sunny & warm(er) in KS!!!!!!

AaaaaHaaaa -- those guys down in Australia stole it ! ! ! That's were it is -- let's go see if we can't grab it and get it back -- I sure don't want to lose it now that I have seen it's wonderous appearance! Anyone in Australia want about 30 minis, 7 dogs, a "fluffy" 51 year old with a pretty good sense of humour, and her "fuffier" 52 year old hubby who is pretty handy and drives a commerical truck - you pay, we're there!

Here we have been seeing that gloreous orb on and off for about 3 weeks, there calling for a high of 60 here, which is pretty darn good!!
No bright sun here, we had snow sprinkle on the lawn again this morning and the wind was howling all night... where did spring go...
I wish I could see that thing called the "SUN" too. It sounds miraculous! It's been snowing here every day for, well, seems like forever. They say that the mythical "SUN" may peek out tomorrow, and then show it's full glory on Monday, before going back to wherever it normally hides in the cold months. I'm SO looking forward to even just a little bit of it!

By the way, what is this thing they call "SPRING"? It sounds wonderful, I'd love to see that too!
Stac, I love that local commercial with the girl saying "The sun? That big glowing thing? Yeah, I think I saw it last week. Oh wait...that was on TV." *snort!*

Sure feels like it sometimes, doesn't it! I keep staring out the window today like I'm afraid if I blink it will disappear. Now to drag myself out of the house and actually ENJOY it....

Stacy, somehow I imagine that if your entourage included Prince, ANYONE around the world would welcome you with open arms. Add the rest of your beauties AND your great sense of humor, and you'd be hard put to ever get back home.

Gorgeous here, and it's supposed to be 70 degrees tomorrow...ahhhhh. Only trouble is, we're still wading through standing water, trying to be good and get some yard cleanup done. Just discovered that our burn barrel (and the contents left in it from fall) holds water VERY nicely...grrrrrrr...

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