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Congratulations on your precious little filly. I sure know what you are going through. The pictures brought back memories. We had one born in October. Mom had zero milk. Ended up at the vet, plasma, tube feeding every 2 hours, oxytocin, dom, etc. She is a bay pinto. So your pictures look real similar to ours with the IV in her neck, even had white vet wrap around it!!!! LOL LOL

Hope things continue to go good with your little one. Ours is bouncing around here like everything was just normal when she was born. Little does she know how serious it really was. Only thing-she is TOTALLY spoiled rotten where we spent so much time with her!!!! Worse than normal.
Beautiful foal l so hope all turns out well...
I talked to the vet at noon today regarding the IgG on little 'Keeper'. She's still a bit low, but the vet is pretty confident that with her starting to nurse when she did, that the filly will have gotten more antibodies from her mom. Dr Mayberry is going to come on Monday and do a SNAP test on her and if she's still low, then they will do another plasma transfusion. We are all hopeful that won't be necessary!
What a precious beautiful little girl, Becky. I sure hope all turns out well and she is on to a healthy happy life.
Becky, your precious little filly is just adorable - what a neat thing to have in our foaling kits - never would have thought of No Doz.

It sems that every foaling season we learn more about how to keep these little guys safe and healthy.

Hugs for your mare and her adorable baby.

The vet gave the filly something that totally amazed me! No Doz!!! After giving her 1/2 tab dissolved in water orally, the filly jumped up, walked over to the mare, stuck her head under and started nursing! I've never, ever seen anything like it and I've seen quite a lot in all my years with horses. LOL The caffeine stimulant was just what she needed. She's not out of the woods yet, but things are looking better.
Keeper is continuing to improve. I woke this morning to see her racing circles around her dam on the monitor. A step in the right direction!
Glad to hear she is doing better and looking forward to more pictures and information on who her parents are??????
Freeland, I plan to try to take some more pics today. Yesterday, Keeper was either nursing or sleeping but today, with her on her feet more, I should be able to get some. The proud parents are Redrock Magic Maker and Redrock C No Disguise. A home bred filly for sure!

My colt born last year, Shakespeare, was a dummy foal. I thought it was funny when my vet told me to give him No Doz
Congrats Becky! A happy ending...how refreshing! Hope all goes well with the next vet visit!
I'm so glad she's doing better! I'm looking forward to seeing more pics!
The vet came yesterday and did a SNAP IgG test on her and she was still really low. He IV'd more plasma. Unfortunately, the filly isn't out of the woods yet.
Oh- Becky- here is hoping for a healthy baby
I was hoping you would have better news today.


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