Holy Golden Palomino!

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Well-Known Member
Nov 19, 2010
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Wow, wow, wow!

I clipped Ale's head and neck tonight and boy was I surprised when I saw the color underneath!






Have you ever seen a palomino that dark! Let alone a twelve day old foal?! Wow!

Here's the full album for more pictures:

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Very pretty! There are few golden palomino minis-it's one of my favorite colors
Haha! I never would have guessed her to be a golden palomino when she was born!
She is a gorgeous filly, and golden color to boot, congratulations!
) What color are the parents? Just curious ....

oops.. I see.. mom is cremello.....

Love the rich color of your filly!!
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Lot of people say the color of the foal is the color around the eyes and mussel well this sure does not relate

Nice, how theses little ones can surprise us.
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Having multiple palominos and palomino foals (quarter horses), I have seen so many variations of color when these guys are born. I have had some so golden/sorrel looking that I swore they were going to be sorrel/chestnut. Then as they lose their baby hair, in comes the rich palomino color. Then what is even stranger, is the color they become as adults. Some get "smutty" looking, some with dapples, some honey colored and some straw colored. You pretty baby is a definite palomino though!

Thanks guys. I was definitely surprised to see this when I clipped her!

Her sire is a Silver Black Appaloosa, a red carrier, and her dam is cremello. They did produce a palomino colt together but he wasn't even close to dark!

We've had two palominos before Ale, and they were both creamy whites. Not golden.

I'm pretty sure that on her registration papers I'll have to put White or Flaxen as her mane/tail color! I was ecstatic to see her mane!

Oh, and from what I could tell, Ale's eyes are not an actual blue but a baby dilute blue.
She's beautiful!

I had one born once that was SO golden/red that I asked around and everyone told me she was sorrel. I registered her as such. As a yearling she looked more the color of your filly so I had her tested and sure enough - creme! Now I have to change her papers when I take her perm.

Congrats again!
What a beautiful color and foal! What's baby's full name? What color are the parents, Mum looks grey? Congrats! Just lovely!
Thanks guys.

@wendyluvsminis: The fillies full name is JCP's Grand Finale.

The sire is a Silver Black (Silver Dapple) Appaloosa (Varnish w/ spots) and the dam is a cremello.



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