Hoof Nippers

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Well-Known Member
Aug 17, 2003
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Morson, Ontario, Canada
I am shopping for a pair of GE 12" Hoof Nippers and have seen some that say "Half Round". It looks like the cutting edge may be curved? What is the purpose of that?

Also, I am currently using Diamond 10" nippers. Has anyone had experience with both brands, and if so, are the GE noticeably superior to the Diamond brand in performance?

Would the GE's feel too "clumsy" at 12" or easily managed?

OK...last question...I see you can also get some sort of spring to put onto nippers to assist in one handed operation. Has anyone used these? What is your experience? Are they helpful, or more of a hindrance?
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I had used Diamond brand for years. Someone on here recommended GE brand.

I ordered a pair last year. (but i think mine is larger then 12", i will have to check tomorrow)

Anyway. YES, it is incredible how superior GE's are.. I love mine.

As far as the Half Round,, I am not sure about that, so i can't help you there.

I would recommend GE to anyone. They are money well spent.
I can't help with the other questions, but the half-rounds are curved. I've only seen them used once, and the farrier used them to 'dig' down into the sole and to cut down the frog. The curved shape lets them bite into a flat surface that you can't get into with the regular nippers. He did say that they were handy at times, but that you had to be really careful if you used them, especially on the sole as you could very quickly take out too much material and make the sole too thin.
I've also always used Diamond nippers (for about 30+ years) and thought I was happy with them.....I did order a 12" GE due to the recommendations on here, and they are far superior to Diamond...even when the Diamonds were new !!!! Cut through the hoof walls like a hot knife through butter !! (well, at least compared to my old Diamonds)

I haven't used the spring.

Thank for your replies thus far. It looks like I'll be ordering the nippers for sure! When I bought my Diamond nippers, in comparison to the junk I was using before that, I thought I was in heaven with the difference they made, so if the GE nippers are that much superior to the Diamonds, then I just have to have them!

As for the "spring", here is the link...


It's only $10.00 so might be worth trying??
I think we've ALL been sold a 'bill of goods' w/ the 10" Diamonds--turns out, those aren't even hoof nippers, they are NAIL nippers(meaning to cut the tips off the horseshoe nails!)-but, they have been sold as suitable for trimming the feet of minis! I bought my first pair of them at AMHA Nationals in '91, where a vendor was selling them as hoof nippers. Since I'd been using a pair of 15" one-side-only cut hoof nippers to do my minis for about 5 years at that time, I thought I'd really 'moved up'... they worked, but dulled quickly, and it got to where it was a REAL chore to be able to trim the hard-hooved horses. Because of what I thought was dulling, I bought a couple more pair over time-then several years ago, was tipped to the 'real deal' by another Forum member, who hasn't posted in a long time. At Centaur Supply, I bought the DS 12" 'racetrack' nippers-they were less costly than the GE's, but very comparable--I thought I'd died and gone to 'hoof trimming heaven'!! They still cut like a charm-no more having to buy more(and, the GOOD nipper brands(GE, DS, and there are several others) can be re-sharpened a time or more!) You will NEVER regret spending the money for the GOOD nippers, if you do very many horses at all!)

I've looked at the 'half rounds', and can see where they would be a benefit, esp. on the horses whose soles are hard as iron and grow right down with their walls-BUT, I can also see how it would be VERY easy to 'overdo' it with them(and they are quite pricey!!), so I'll just 'manage' with the regular smaller nippers. If I ever have to buy another pair of nippers, I'd consider some with the narrower blade width that I saw in some catalog recently--Foal nippers, or some such, w/ blades only about 3/4" wide, as opposed to about 1" or so-as long as they had the shorter handles(12" as opposed to 14 or 15"), and were one of the really good brands, which are so sharp AND well-balanced that they work the way they SHOULD!

Mona, didn't you get some of those "Barracuda" things? I thought they were supposed to be the 'answer'....have you found that are they not, after all?

Mona, didn't you get some of those "Barracuda" things? I thought they were supposed to be the 'answer'....have you found that are they not, after all?

Yes, I bought them, but resold mine after trying to cut a couple hooves with them. They were VERY sharp(which was good!), but I am one that hates change, and they just felt too out of balance for me because the cutting edge was not centered, but to one side of the tool. I just couldn't get used to it, or didn't have the patience to make myself adjust. It was just easier for me to continue using what I have and know.
I knew I'd have the same kind of problem, Mona--which is why I didn't even consider the things! I have plenty of practice with the 'old fashioned' kind of nippers, so will just rely upon that! Believe me, you will be THRILLED with the GE's, or a comparable brand. Before you order, you might want to check out the selection and prices at Centaur Supply-as I recall, they have a wider selection of (mostly better)brands. As I said, I was interested in an ad for one of the good brands, but with a narrower blade-sounded like a great choice for miniature horses! Can't remember which site I saw it on, but am sure you could google for farrier tools and find it...

Happy hoof trimming!!

OK i just checked and i do have the 12" nipper.

Like someone else said, I also thought the Diamond was a good brand.

But the GE is so far superior, I wonder how i ever used the Diamond brand for all those years.

I had been debating on ordering one of those new Barracudas, but i don't think i will, I am really happy with my GE.
Also....those that are reading this thread....don't forget to get a good hoof knife. I have used various brands, but did buy the one called " The Knife" that Margo CT recommended a couple of months ago. (actually I bought 2, right and left handed) Excellent hoof knife !!!!

I also did get the DS 12" Racetrack nippers. ( I had already ordered the GE's and then found the DS Racetrack ones that were recommended, by Margo CT, so went ahead and got them and 2 of The Knife...) Both the DS and the GE are excellent.

Yes, they are a little pricey, but are well worth it. The first time you use them , you will be so glad that you bought them !!

Well there, I did it! I got the new nippers, the spring, as well as the suggested hoof knife ordered! I shopped around on the net for the nippers price, and this was the best price I found.

1 ea. Anvil Brand The Knife, The Knife, Right Hand Reg Handle 26.50

1 ea. GE Nippers, GE Nippers, 12'' 169.00

1 ea. W-Brand Nipper Spring, Nipper Spring 9.00

Subtotal: 204.50

Shipping Weight: approx. 4 lb. UPS Ground (Insured):


Sales Tax: 0.00

Total: $ 216.94


OOPS! I lied! I see I had them bookmarked on another site for $164.95. I was going to check the shipping before ordering and I forgot! :DOH! Oh well!
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Half rounds are nippers that cut into the hoof. We use them to remove hoof wall in founder cases and for bad sand cracks. You do not use them to do a normal hoof trim, they are for corrective work.

I didn't like my barracuda nippers either. They cut okay, but the grip is too large for my hand and they unfortable to use. I'm using them to cut pads for shoes.

The knife is my favorite hoof knife and I like the "classic" verision of it.

Check out Alvin Farrier Supply for prices. I think they're lower than what's listed.
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