I still can't believe this one.....
We were at AMHR Nationals for just a day - stalled in Barn C - and while we are at the barns I had put in gates so the horses could look out of their stalls and watch all the activity so they wouldn't get bored.
the first night we were there we took three of our four horses into the main arena to do some jumping. Though all four of the horses we took to Nationals are experienced jumpers, we only took the three because they still benefit from practicing and getting used to the show arena. We left the fourth horse (Phantom, for those of you that know him) in his stall, because he doesn't need the jumping practice and I wanted to be nice and let him just rest up since he was going to be the busiest horse all week with the whole family showing him.
We had just enough time to set up the two jumps we'd brought and jump the other horses a couple of times and suddenly here comes Phantom galloping in through the open arena gate. Clearly ticked off that we left him behind in the barn. He circled all of us and then put on a full liberty style performance using the entire arena and refused to let us catch him until HE was ready and willing (and AFTER he rolled in the dirt) he is normally not a problem at all to catch - in fact, if I kneel down he always comes right to me but that night he was mad and we had to have help from other people to catch him.
I was SO WORRIED that he hurt himself breaking out of his stall and galloping on the cement down the barn aisle and even MORE worried that he had hurt someone else or someone elses horse in the process.
The "witnesses" to his adventure said he basically circled his stall a few times, backed up and leaped over his door gate and then took off for the arena like he knew exactly where he was going - at a full gallop - didn't hesitate or look around - and it isn't a straight shot to the arena from our barn aisle and it isn't that close by, he had to make a couple of turns.
Thankfully he seemed just fine and no one else got hurt during his adventure. It still amazes me though that he knew exactly where to go and how to find us and was so obviously mad at us for being left out.
We were at AMHR Nationals for just a day - stalled in Barn C - and while we are at the barns I had put in gates so the horses could look out of their stalls and watch all the activity so they wouldn't get bored.
the first night we were there we took three of our four horses into the main arena to do some jumping. Though all four of the horses we took to Nationals are experienced jumpers, we only took the three because they still benefit from practicing and getting used to the show arena. We left the fourth horse (Phantom, for those of you that know him) in his stall, because he doesn't need the jumping practice and I wanted to be nice and let him just rest up since he was going to be the busiest horse all week with the whole family showing him.
We had just enough time to set up the two jumps we'd brought and jump the other horses a couple of times and suddenly here comes Phantom galloping in through the open arena gate. Clearly ticked off that we left him behind in the barn. He circled all of us and then put on a full liberty style performance using the entire arena and refused to let us catch him until HE was ready and willing (and AFTER he rolled in the dirt) he is normally not a problem at all to catch - in fact, if I kneel down he always comes right to me but that night he was mad and we had to have help from other people to catch him.
I was SO WORRIED that he hurt himself breaking out of his stall and galloping on the cement down the barn aisle and even MORE worried that he had hurt someone else or someone elses horse in the process.
The "witnesses" to his adventure said he basically circled his stall a few times, backed up and leaped over his door gate and then took off for the arena like he knew exactly where he was going - at a full gallop - didn't hesitate or look around - and it isn't a straight shot to the arena from our barn aisle and it isn't that close by, he had to make a couple of turns.
Thankfully he seemed just fine and no one else got hurt during his adventure. It still amazes me though that he knew exactly where to go and how to find us and was so obviously mad at us for being left out.