If you have never camped in a motor home or travel travel I would suggest renting one for a trial.You will either love it or hate it.I bought a used camper to use for our state fair in July for 10 days.It was ok, but if they ever build a hotel on the grounds I will reserve the first spot.RVs can have issues while you are camping.Flat tires, no hot water, leaky roof, fridge won't work, ants can get in,very close quarters, engine problems with motor homes,air conditioning issues,,travel from motel to show grounds,you have another house to clean every time you use it(these are just a few I have personally experienced)Big expense for something used so little.Plus points-you are close to your horse at the show grounds,many things can be packed and left in camper except year round.Motel-not as close to horses, have to buy more food eating out Motel good points-very large bathroom with unlimited hot water ,reliable air conditioning, maid service,expense spread out not big initial investment,large space for sleepimg these are just a few of my thoughts.Myself, I'm a motel girl, but I have many friends who love camping.You might be in an area where you can rent a motor home or camper.Have fun