Hotel or Trailer/Camper

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Well-Known Member
Nov 18, 2007
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Corry, PA
I've really never camped so the idea of camping is not appealing to me but my Quarter Horse friends insist I'd like it. My husband thinks maybe we should check into a small motor home. I don't know, after the show it's kind of nice to go back to the motel and spread out. I do think having all your stuff in one area would be nice and you can just keep a camper/living quarter trailer packed with many of your things. I'm just not sure............ So what appeals more to you?..........inquiring minds want to know.
If you have never camped in a motor home or travel travel I would suggest renting one for a trial.You will either love it or hate it.I bought a used camper to use for our state fair in July for 10 days.It was ok, but if they ever build a hotel on the grounds I will reserve the first spot.RVs can have issues while you are camping.Flat tires, no hot water, leaky roof, fridge won't work, ants can get in,very close quarters, engine problems with motor homes,air conditioning issues,,travel from motel to show grounds,you have another house to clean every time you use it(these are just a few I have personally experienced)Big expense for something used so little.Plus points-you are close to your horse at the show grounds,many things can be packed and left in camper except year round.Motel-not as close to horses, have to buy more food eating out Motel good points-very large bathroom with unlimited hot water ,reliable air conditioning, maid service,expense spread out not big initial investment,large space for sleepimg these are just a few of my thoughts.Myself, I'm a motel girl, but I have many friends who love camping.You might be in an area where you can rent a motor home or camper.Have fun

Back when I was a kid showing 4H at our fair, a friend left to go home for the night after all her classes were over, but her horse was stalled in the barn at the fair. He spooked at something unfamiliar and put his leg through the wooden wall, and it got stuck. She was 25 minutes away (due to traffic) but we were able to get him lose before they got there. The vet did come out, he banged himself up pretty good. Luckily this was someone from our local club and everyone knew the horse and the owner, so they were comfortable going in the stall, and also knew how to get a hold of her. Hotels have "luxuries", but if your anything like me, you leave the show so whooped that all you do is shower and sleep at the hotel anyway.

I stayed at a hotel once during a 3 day show a few hours from home, and after the scene with my friends horse, I was scared to death the whole time, worrying about my horses. If your on the grounds, you can usually check on them, and your already there incase of an emergency
RV, absolutely!! I can't stand being away from my horses and having to run back and forth to the hotel every time I need something would drive me crazy. If I don't want to have to run back then I have to pack it all in the truck anyway, and what's the point of that?
No, thank you. Horse shows are my time away from real life where I get to focus on the fur kids and I want to be there all day to do that. This way my not-so-engaged helpers (Mom/Dad/Whoever) have somewhere to go to relax and do their thing without leaving me stranded and I can simply step out of my "room" and visit the horses any time I want. You'd be amazed how many things go wrong in a barn overnight and this way I'm the one there fixing them instead of the one not knowing my horse is in trouble while some stranger (hopefully) rescues them.

Sure RV's can have mechanical problems, but a good one kept in good repair will do fine and there's always someone around who can fix them in most towns. We haven't had many problems with ours and my parents take it out many weekends during the off season to enjoy time together. Now if it were just me, I'd have a simple camper shell on the back of my truck or get a gooseneck trailer I could convert into a simple living quarters arrangement but then again I live in a cool climate where air conditioning is not a requirement. I understand that's not the case in many places! Still, modern RV's can be quite palatial and rival most hotel rooms. If you have a partner who cooks it can be wonderful. I couldn't afford an RV myself but then again I can't afford hotel rooms either so when my parents can't come I simply sleep in the cab of my truck or pitch a tent. Can't get much more budget than that.

I don't leave my horse unless I had someone there to watch out for her while I left. I would sleep on the ground outside her stall if I had to. And I have!
I grew up camping, started in a tent so an RV with indoor plumbing was so magical to me. I would love to camp again, prefer that for horse shows for the same reasons as the others, plus you will discover a new social group after show hours.

You can nap between classes, and you have everything with you, nothing to be left behind in a motel room. Your own bedding, and best of all no danger of BED BUGS!
We have a trailer with modified living quarters, so as long as the facilities have a great shower, we are set. Nationals is our biggest show of course and Samantha clips a lot of horses for other people. So after a day of showing and clipping, she still has her own horses to do at night. I get tired and with the trailer in the RV park, I can go to bed. This way she can sleep in if she doesn't have early classes and I can feed the horses on time. Its also a place I can put my dogs and know they are safe when they can't be with me. I fill a hotel is just an expensive place to sleep for a very few hours and leave again. I have done it both ways and the RV park and our trailer works best for us. Since the trailer has an air condition/heater, its always comfortable. It also saves on fuel as we only leave the show grounds if we go out to eat.
We sleep in the trailer and/or tack stall. I won't leave my guys for long, plus I bring my dogs and many hotels don't allow big dogs. I'm close, and it's cheap!
I have a 30 foot long camper trailer and love it. It has all the luxuries of home(bathroom with shower, couch that turns into a bed, table that turns into a bed, fridge, stove, microwave, big queen bed, bunk beds, a place to put a tv and DVD player, lots of storage, etc). I also have a place to put a small playpen. It also has a great heating system as well as air conditioning. Love it. I just pay to have a hook up at the fairs, etc but if no hook up can use a generator to run everything.
Add me to the camper vote. We have done it both ways and absolutely love the LQ trailer. It took my husband several years to convince me to get the big trailer, but boy am I glad he did. Same reasons that other people have mentioned. Close to horses, a biggie is somewhere to go during the day between classes. Plus I have a dog and it is somewhere for her to stay (cool and clean). Also, love leaving things packed all summer instead of carrying it all out every weekend. Also, plug it in when I come home and leave food in the refrigerator. And one more not show related, my son got married recently and I needed refrigerator space, plugged the trailer in and had that refrigerator stuffed full of food for the rehearsal dinner!!! LOL LOL
I would vote camper. My husband likes hotel. My daughter is torn between as she likes the layed back ease of going to a camper (horse trailer) to get cool or nap or eat but then she would like the breakfast at a hotel and the pool (except there's usually no time for that).

I was in scouts so give me a camper , horse trailer, tent, or cot in the stall and I would be happy. I just hate to drive thru town; wait for others to wake, shower,eat etc. when I'm in a rush. I like being close to my horses!
We have a "simple" living quarters trailer, basically a bed in the gooseneck, cabinets and electricity. While it would be nice to have "facilities" in it, I don't know if I would want to deal with them. We have a camping bag shower, and have to use the show grounds facilities otherwise. Staying overnight in the trailer isn't bad for 1-2 nights in a row, but beyond that, I'm not in for. Last year, we had three shows in a row that had severe thunderstorms overnight. The days were fine, but rocking in the trailer is not my idea of fun. The rest of the shows last year we got the horse a stall (we had him penned next to the trailer with an awning that we had to roll up during the rain), and we got hotel rooms. That was the best I had ever slept at a horse show!

If the weather and the facilities are good, I don't mind camping. But it is REALLY hard to be up all night with a storm and try to function the next day.
It's camper for me! I have a camper and just love it. At my favorite show grounds there's several of us that reserve spaces in a row so we have a great time! The barn is about 100 feet away and the showers are good so I'm a happy girl. Plus I take my dog and it just works out really well for me. When we went back to Pinto Worlds though we got a room at the Micro Motel right on the grounds. I don't have air conditioning and didn't think I'd sleep well without it in OK in June!
Thanks for all your replies, and good to know that many of you enjoy the camping experience. Bevann, your idea of renting one sounds very wise. Thanks again.

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