When I first got Breezy at 3.5-4 months old he was very quiet, didnt say much, watched everything, went along with things, and knew who boss horse was. By 6 months old my little Breezy definitely had an opinion. He didn’t want to step on a tarp, nor a dog bed, or anything else that wasn’t grass, dirt, or concrete.
He is now 19 months old still very quiet, but still has an opinion, if he doesn’t want to do something he tries to object by not rearing but hoping his 2 front feet off the ground. It’s really hard not to laugh sometimes
The older he gets, the more and more his personality is really coming out. He is such a sweet, reserved little guy
Then there is Stormy who use to put absolutely EVERYTHING in his mouth!! Including me
and rocks on the ground as we walk by, EVERYTHING! He isnt mouthy anymore, thank God, and has turned out to be the most chilled and laid back horse ever.
Shadow is alpha horse in my tiny little herd but I do have to say he minds best of all. He is very respectful of me and tries really hard to please me. He doesnt “test” me like you would think an alpha horse would. And he isn’t a nice alpha horse either, he greets the others with ears pinned, mouth open, and back legs kicking!
Tiny little Thunder has ALWAYS been a bit skiddish… or untrusting of people. Ill take him out in public and someone will reach out to pet him as we walk by and he will do his best to totally avoid it, by running along the opposite side of me
I keep asking him “how are you gonna be a therapy pony if you are scared of people?!” All my other boys love people and the attention they receive.
Edited to add:
Im sure he has a zest for life, you’ll just have to figure out what that zest is. And as he matures more and gets a little older, I’m sure he will get more zesty