I had to cut off my mare's mane a few months ago due to burrs, and now it's growing back, but it's growing straight up (she's got about 4 inches of mane now). Will it lay down on its own or do I need to do something?
It will eventually lay down....just like a bridle path does when it grows out. However, if you want the mane to fold down a certain direction, you can always encourage it along with either a neck wrap/sweat product....OR even a cotton baby diaper wrapped around with some duct tape.
I think you are at the "tipping point" and that you will see the mane start to lay over shortly. Once it gets a little longer you can put in some braids to encourage it to stay on one side. Just don't braid too tight as it might break the hairs. Another thing you can do is use a lycra neck cover or a neck sweat like Maryann suggested to flatten the mane.
If the mane laid over nicely before clipping, it will probably soon fall over nicely again. For future burs, you can use WD40 to remove them. There are other hair products, but I've had the best luck with WD40. I keep a can of it in my barn for all kinds of uses.
Dapper Dan has the thickest, most unruly mane I've ever seen. I have tried braiding, neck wrap, undercut, curling iron, and many mane products. The last few years I have given up and roach his mane when I clip in the spring. His tail is beautiful and his forelock long and thick. The mane is hopeless. It has 3 cowlicks, and part grows one side, then the other, then forward, then straight up. I do let it grow out in the winter, so he can stay warm, but it detracts from his handsome face big time. Here it is.