Thanks for the info. I just wasn't sure about weight. My guys were born in May 05.
About Quest:
I went to a 3-day seminar on breeding several years back and the Quest problem was brought up. It seems the problem with Quest is it actually works too well. If you over dose even a little, especially on the young or pregnant, it kills the worms off so efficiently that they clog up the colon, i.e. colic. And most people, like stated above, are used to being able to over dose their horses. It was a really interesting seminar
No you were not misunderstanding me, the information you have been given is incorrect, sorry!!
The thing that will kill a Mini is the way the Moxidectin is held and released into the blood stream, not it's efficacy as a wormer (which is no greater than, for example, Ivermectin) but the fact that it is 10 X easier to overdose (and any overdose can kill) than it is with, for example, Ivermectin.
It is
very easy to overdose with Ivermectin in the dog, which is why it is not cleared for use in dogs or cats in this country, but NOT because it kills all the worms stone dead, but because and overdose of the chemical Ivermectin, can kill a cat or dog.
In exactly the same way that an overdose of the chemical Moxidectin can and has killed a horse.
Moxidectin does no better a job killing major worms than Ivermectin.
It is
claimed to kill encysted small strongyles, but it in fact is only proven to kill 84% of them, whilst Fenbendazole five day kill 98" of the,
This is a chemical I am pretty sure will be withdrawn so, I am just wondering how many dead horses it takes to get a drug banned???