Well....I don't really have a problem of the pea/poop freezing to the ground so much. But I DO have a problem with how to clean out the stalls, as we've had so much snow this month, I can't get our manure cart outside to dump! We've had drifts up to 6' high all around the barn...so the horses can't even get out! I don't want to create a huge manure pile that I'll have to deal with in the spring. So, what to do? The horses have been stalled so much this month, which make's it worse. I can't stand it when their stalls get wet...so I was just adding new shavings over the top...and it was starting to build up. Their stalls were getting really bad until we had a recent thaw which melted enough snow that I could drag the cart to the fence & "fling" the poop out onto the field on the other side. I've been "stripping" stalls this week...which is a very slow process, but I'm getting there. I'll feel SO much better, when they have nice, new, fluffy, shavings in all their stalls again. Hopefully, the worse winter weather is past & I can keep up with them now, as I have foals arriving in March!