How does everyone do it?

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Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2005
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I dont know how everyone can seem so calm when they have loved ones going into the service. My boyfriend just left today & its driving me crazy. Hes not even going over seas, hes just going to Oklahoma!

He is going for basic training & artillery training. He will be gone for 4 months. He joined the National Guard.

Basically how do you all cope?

It's not easy....

Write notes/letters/emails and try to occupy yourself with good, healthy and vigorous activity.

Think of him as watching you/watching over you when you are doing these things. It helps me to be apart to think this way.

I remember the first time my husband left (we were not yet married) to go fishing. I felt so alone and lonely as he was my nearest and dearest friend at the time and I'd just moved down here from Portland.

I went out and got my Arabian mare and went riding on the beach for hours at a time and came home exhausted and fell into bed. It passed the days....

Try not to worry over anything happening to him, the chances are he'll be fine and you will see each other sooner than you think.

Liz M.
My husband is in the AF. So I know what your going through. Actually my hubby will be leaving soon for a TDY. It's hard but you need to keep yourself busy it always good if you have family and friends around. The first time my DH left I almost lived at a friends house I was there so often. Then another time we were stationed near family and I had a weekly schedule (tuesdays was visiting grandma, sat was visiting my mom)plus my horses and my best friend that lived one street over. It was hard to stop once he came home. Now I'm away from home again but I have friends and my kids and my animals. Finding stuff to tire yourself out works great. There is a book written by a military spouse. It's a great book. Unfortunantly I can't remember what it's called but I'm sure you can do a search for it. There's also support groups on-line and on base. I know your not married and he isn't stationed anywhere but I'm sure the recruter can help you find numbers of local support groups. Good Luck! It's so worth the wait.
I guess you just do.........

It was okay when our Jon (son inlaw) was in the Marines at first BEFORE Iraq. We'd see him more often than we do other members of the family..... He was stationed in the San Diego area and would hop up to Oregon whenever he was on Leave.

It was when Iraq happened and he went overseas as part of the first onslaught that things were scarey. We were glued to the news (we knew what group he was in and basically where he was). We had a map of Iraq and tried to keep track..... You kind of live in a fog.... you live day by day and keep the TV on 24/7 and jump every time the phone rings.

Jon is home and although he says he'd go back because he felt the military was "making a difference for people's lives" he can't. He came home injured and is now on military disability. It's hard to see him living with his disability, although he was lucky it wasn't worse, but we are all very happy to have him home and safe and being a daddy to his three kids.

Jon is a my opinion.......and your boyfriend is too.

If you search on some of my old posts in December, you will see a similar question from me. I was a falling apart mess before my son Chris left for training. He is in a very dangerous job, and I think about him throughout every day. Once I went and saw him after he graduated from Basic, I was soooo proud of him. He looked so proud, confident, and handsome!!! He has a follow-on assignment to Guam, so after he gets through tech training and comes home for a visit, he will be gone for a L O N G time. I will miss him something terrible, and worry about him every day, but I am proud of him and that is what I hang on to.
: It does help that both I and my husband are also former USAF. So we know what the life is all about.
It's not easy at all. When my Fiance was in Iraq I sent him a card just about everyday. I would send him goody boxes once or twice a week also. We were also lucky enough to have daily contact by text messaging. I got him a cell phone that would work over there, the bills weren't great but definitely worth every penny!

The best thing to do is be supportive! You'll get through it. It will definitely bring you two closer.
Like MiniV stated you just do it. It is TUFF and very scarey at times. We were also GLUED to the MSNBC, FOX or what ever channel was covering the area where my son was in which was in Northern Iraq where they were one of the FIRST troops dropped in that area to secure the Airfield for our other troops to come in with equiptment and heavy artillary.

My son was 18 when he went into the Army for training to be a "Sky Soldier" BEFORE the war. we thought it was neat UNTIL Iraq then we were scared to death for him. I was worried sick! We would only here from him occasionally and most times the connections were bad, but it was a relief to know he was okay.

Like others have said be supportive, send cards or letters and I even sent care packages to were he was training and even in Iraq. Although you have to find out what is considered contraband and what is allowed. It is easy to find out. Good Luck..

My son is and was very proud of what he has done and accomplished and even before the war actually started started he knew he would be going there because he was in the 173rd Airbourne Brigade stationed in Italy. He said he loved jumping out of the planes :new_shocked: :eek: . When he wasnt jumping out of the planes on missions in Iraq (usually the Northern area) he was SPC of his unit of Mortar Men.

We are very proud of my son and he is thankfully back to the states safe and sound after serving 15 months in Iraq. He is 22 now. :bgrin

Its a little easier these days with the internet,[ pics, video, etc...] We have one still overseas.this is his second time over. his bride to be has spent a lot of time with us this year. Dont forget his mom is missing him too. Boot will go fast and then theres Graduation. keeping your tone upbeat will help him through it too.We have one son in the Air Guard that has spent 3 of the past 6 yrs away from home so mom is an expert at waiting.DR.
Thank you for all the replys. Ive made quite a list of things to do while he is gone.

I actually go to talk to him last night for a few hours. His plane ticket got screwed up so hopefully he will get to Fort Sill today. I could tell he is worried, but I know its also something he really wants to do. He was dissappointed that he couldnt go last night.

I will be sending him letters as often as I can. And lots of pictures too. Thats what he really wants. Pictures.

I dont think I can send packages until after basic.

Thanks again. Im going to go get busy again.

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