How long do clipper blades last you? Bunch of Q's.

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Well-Known Member
Jul 11, 2005
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Green Springs Ohio
I've gotten away so far with just being able to clip the head and tidy up, but this year we need to full body clip.

I'm just wondering on average, how long do clipper blades last you and how many horses can you full body clip with one blade. Do the Double K's last longer then other clippers? I have the Wahl Arco's but i dont know if they could handle a full body clip, any clipper pro's out there use them for full body?

Also, do you know of any way to make blades last you longer?

One last question, when you send blades in to get sharpened they last just as long after you get them back or is it more convenient to just buy a new blade in your opinion?

I'm thinking about getting Double K's to do the full body with bc im going to be full body clipping in early May and they will still have wool on by then and then using the Arco's the rest of the summer.

Okay, just one more. With the Double K's, what number is the blade that comes with them? Should i order a special size.

Now just one clipping question ...someone posted a picture a while back of a clipping number chart with what number blade to use where on the horse and for the body. Anyone have that?

Now a pretty simple one, my Arco's have an adjustable blade on them that i control with a little swich on them. I just dont have any clue what size is where lol. So the closer the cut the ______ (biggerORsmaller) the number is, and the farther away the cut is the ______ (biggerORsmaller) the blade number is. Do you get what im asking.

Sorry to overload in one post, i just knew this would become multiple posts overtime and wanted to save a few threads and combine them.

Thanks ahead of time
hi leanna!

blades last way longer if you always bath the horse and spray with shosheen first. Under those circumstances I can get about 5 full body clips from a new blade

If you do bridal paths on dirty horses (which i do all the time) or you clip a dirty horse (for instance flirts belly) they dont last long at all.

I FINALLY got a set of double k's and they are the best clippers i have ever used. wish i had bought them sooner.

I do get mine sharpened but have had really bad luck the last two times (2 diff people) both times they came back as dull as i sent them and I still had to pay

I have heard you can sharpen them 2 times and then they are done. maybe rob can help us out with that question??
I can help with the size! :saludando:

The bacis sizes of blades that you CAN get include: #7, #10, #15, #30, #40 and #50.

A #7 is often used in the spring, as it leaves the most hair on the horse.

A #10 is often used for show clips, over the body and legs. Rather nice trim and looks Good!

A #15 is VERY close to a 10 clip, just makes white areas more pink. Not much change from a #10. Often used on heads.

A #30 is great for ears, eyes & muzzles of lighter horses.

A #40 is what a vet uses in surgery... Really close! Good for noses on Bays and balcks.

A #50 is for skin areas that you want to bald... these area sunburn easily.. Very very close!!!

I would recomend two #10s, a #15(for bodies) and either a #30 or #40(for heads).

I get mine sharpened and they work just like new!... But if you want to buy new blades every time.... I'd GLADLY take your old ones!!

Hope this helps :saludando: :lol:
Thanks kay and des!

So the bigger the number, the closer the cut. The smaller the number the farther the cut ..okay got it! That has always confused me.

Thank agian. Anyone else?
Double Ks ALL THE WAY FOR ME!! I would never go without them!

We can get about five horses done with one new blade, too- but your horse MUST be clean! Any dirt will wipe out your blades.

We get ours sharpened, and haven't had to toss any yet, and they've been sharpened repeatedly.

We used to be able to get stuff called "Shear Eze", it worked AWESOME and I haven't been able to find it since....

We use 15s on the body, and 40s on the head. Watch those smaller cut blades- they are SHARP! I have cut my poor guys several times with them (and myself, too, when I bumped them!)

On AVERAGE a blade should be able to be sharpened between 5-7 times. I have good luck with my customers if you are interested in sending them to me to be could put a post asking how I do, I have no problem with that.
Any truth to something I just read...that new blades come from the factory with a special coating to avoid rusting, that you need to wash/soak them in blade wash before you use so that your new blades will not need to be sharpened as soon...

Everyone on the listserv where I read this said that this is common knowledge, but I'd never heard of it...
Yes most definately soak them in a blade wash to clean off that coating..............
I did five spring clips with one #10 blade last spring.

I bathed the horses thoroughly and rinsed them very thoroughly. Then I sprayed the heck outta them with show sheen.

I oil, use coolant spray and use bladewash often while I am clipping. I am convinced this is why my blades seem to last so long.

If you clip a dirty horse, or if you didn't wash thoroughly enough, your blades will dull very quickly.

I use a #10 for the first spring clip. I use the Wahl KM2 speed clippers and so far I have been very happy with how they have done for me. I'd love to get Double K's, but they are too expensive for me.

I also use a #10 on the body for the show clip, a #15 for the bridlepath and head. I use a #40 on the muzzle and above the eyes. And a #50 (trimmer blade) on the muzzle before I razor it.

I pay $5 to get my blades sharpened. Sometimes they don't last long after they have been re sharpened if they were sharpened improperly.
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Susanne, I heard about the blade coating here and then a week later on that listserv. The back of my blade wash can warns about that, and so does the instruction manual of my new Double K's. Guess it must be true!
: I washed my new blades from Rob.
: (Yay, props for Rob while I'm at it. He's great! Now if it would just warm up enough to clip....)

I hear blades on a Double K clipper last longer but haven't gotten to check that yet. I've rented a set of Oster Clipmaster's the last couple of years and they did a really good job but were hard to get into tight places and were LOUD. So loud! :new_shocked: I can't imagine trying to do a forehead with them- I did all my detail work with my Wahl adjustable clippers. Still, they sure did the job. I figure the wide blade was probably around a #10 or so.

It looks like the tiny A-5 blades will take forever to get the job done by comparison but if they don't get hot it will probably still be faster. And I'll say one thing already: the Double K's are whisper quiet! Wow. Mom and I pulled them out of the box, plugged them in, turned them on and said in unison "That's IT?!" :new_shocked: :aktion033: But they don't come with blades, you have to buy those separately. I guess they figure the professional groomers the Double K's are aimed at will want to pick their own brand and selection of blades.

Have fun. :bgrin

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