Thank you so much for all the input!! I usually check her every day and I was checking her tail for relaxing about once a week just so that I WOULD notice a change. I'm glad to know that she's almost to the safe zone!
Sadie has kind of always had the "bump" in front of the udder. She filling in at the teats and then, today, I notice the base of the udder is growing as well. I need to get out there and take a picture for my records. I haven't decided whether I'm going to rebreed her or not. I need to fence in more property before I do. Her tail is clamping down tight, so I know I still have a time before she goes. Looks like I'm going to have to prepare! I do have the milk strips, but they are like 10 yrs old.
The last pregnant mare I was around, I thought that she could go any day. Turned out, she had the baby the next day. I didn't think she'd go that fast! Soooo, Mare stare board, here I come!
Oh, and she's a maiden. A 13 yo maiden.