Aspiring Cowgirl
I've mentioned it! Both during the election talk and prior. But, it's just something that's been on my mind for several years (as it should be, given my profession). People probably don't understand the impact the loss of these cuts will have on them, but it's real and people need to look into it. There's probably not much I can really say on a public forum, but the information is out there and easy to find.Something I don't think I've ever seen mentioned on LB is that the Busch tax cut will expire in 2 years unless it's signed back into law. Obama has said that he will let the expiration happen. So even if you believe that he won't raise taxes he has already told us (in a round-about way) that our taxes will go up in 2 years. That is assuming he doesn't raise them himself to help get us out of our economic problems before then.
Additionally, here is what Rudy Giuliani had to say on this subject recently:
When he [barack Obama] says that he's not going to continue the Bush Tax Cuts -- Let me translate that into plain English. He's going to raise taxes by more than any President has ever raised taxes in the past. That is precisely the mistake that was made in 1929 and 1930 that took a recession, a difficult one, and made it into The Great Depression.
I feel like Americans are just being "lazy" when it comes to really doing what it takes to understand what is at stake