How many animals sleep in your bed at night?

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Just me and my Daisy. She sleeps under the covers with me. But she really messes my bed up. I make it in the morning and when I go to bed at night have to make it so I can get in. Half the time shes got all the covers on the floor. She loves to sleep under the covers in the day time and everytime she hears me move she comes running out, so every movement pushes the covers closer to the edge. She is my comfort at night. (Husband in nursing home) She starts out UNDER the bed but is always with me when I wake up.
I have a hard time getting to sleep until she comes out from under the bed and crawls under the covers with me. In fact she goes in about 8:00 every night and sits in there and barks and barks. I go in and ask her "What do you want? Should Mama put you to bed?" I talk to her and pet her and tuck her in under the covers and leave. She is quiet and just fine. It is what she wants. She actually wants me to tuck her in.

Good post Marnie.
If I am REALLY nice, then these two will give me a tiny part of my bed.


What is really bad is that Henry grumbles at me if I bump him as I am trying to weave my body around his. Kate, on the other hand, wants to snuggle up. Often she tries to share my pillow with me; if I grab the other pillow then she wants that one too. I can't believe that I thought a double bed would be just fine when I moved in here "alone." (While a bigger bed might be nice, the truth is that I wouldn't want it any other way, as far as bed mates.)
I just have two dogs with me in my queen size bed. I have my 7 year old border collie/kelpie mix Ed and he is a total snuggler, but one small twist. He can snuggle with me, but if I touch him then he growls at me lol. The little cuss has to have things his way
The other is the pup that my brother brought home this spring, she is almost a year now and getting big, almost 60 lbs. Annie is 1/2 border collie 1/4 catahoula and 1/4 hound
she is the sweetest thing in the whole world though. She snuggles too, but after I get under the covers and she gets on top to and pins me down then she loves to lick all over my face until I finally have to push her off. Then she'll just snuggle beside me. One on the left, the other on the right. I'm stuck till morning
On purpose just 1 my husband
Sometimes when no one is looking I find a black cat and a couple of red dachshunds catching a few Zs I just dont rest well when the fur babies are in the bed.... Im always worried about rolling on someone.

Only 1 animal-he's 190 pounds-MY HUSBAND!!

Just kidding!

We only have 1 dog-65 pound Chow Chow-Bryson, he is way to hot natured to sleep on the bed or on any bed..he sleeps on the cool hardwood floor-his favorite place...

So its just us in the bed, although I am small and steal all the covers so we each have our own! My hubby doesnt understand why I am a tornado in the bed and he lays in the same position most of the night and his blankets never move, while mine end up in the floor, Hello-that is why I steal his covers!
We have a king size bed. Sleeping with my husband and I are 2 dogs (black lab & daschund) and 4 cats. Our collie prefers to sleep down stairs. My husband thinks I am insane as I will not budge at night so as not to disturb the animals. Sometimes I am hanging half way off the bed just so they get a good nights rest.

2 Boxers, a pug and a heeler next to the bed which I usually trip over. The boxers sleep as close as they can get, usually with thier heads on me..I keep an extra quilt because I cannot pull my covers out from under them..and they will not budge. Pug will dig on covers wanting under to go to the foot, sometimes he can't make it because the girls have the covers down too tight. Love them all...husband is a truck driver...when home he has his own bed...we have no room from him LOL

The life of a dog, we lost Rox 12-06-08 it was 3 boxers..still haven't recovered from losing her
Well it depends, if my daughter is off to college during the week we have two in bed with us, my daughters pug sleeps under the covers by my feet and we have a new puppy boxer that sleeps between my husband and I to keep her from falling off the bed. she is about 11 weeks old now and not very graceful.
If Chasta is home her little puggy sleeps with her.
What a great thread!

Hubby doesn't like animals in the bedroom (don't know why - years ago my Lab Sparky always had a place at the foot of the bed).

Mrs. Whiskers, our Siamese, has snuck in on occasion and curled up under the sheets at my feet. That is no easy feat as Siamese are VERY talkative but Mrs. Whiskers seems to know that if she wants the comfort, she has to be silent.

If hubby is away, my GSP, Bridget, gets bedroom rights. She is not a smelly dog and sheds minimally so I can get away with it.

Our new Lab, Quinn, is young, big and stinky and once in the bedroom he cannot settle down so he has a few more years to go. Hubby tried to convince me to let him sleep with us. He is hubby's dog and when he had to go out, hubby did not wake up so Quinn peed on his face.
That only happened twice and Quinn now stays in the dog room.

Someday...Mrs. Whiskers and our newest rescue cat Jeff will get permanent rights - I am working on it, especially since Jeff has killed two mice upstairs.

Maybe hubby is afraid he will come upstairs to find Mercy in bed with us... she and I have shared a sleeping back when I was waiting for her to foal in 1997....

Dogs are too big and not allowed on the furniture anyhow.... but, usually three or four of my Manx cats. Thelma Lou, the oldest one, Harpo Manx and Pearl- sometimes Blue too.
My 40 pond husky/malamute mix Zoe, and Tippy my 20 pound skipperkee/sheltie mix, ZDixie sleeps with us until I put her in her crate as she still chews on stuff and tries to catch the mice we have in the house.

No hubby here and I need someone to help warm up the bed. I'd be lost without the dogs in there with me. Jodie (my new foster kid) started out in a crate, but once Sunny decided they could be friends she decided the bed was more comfortable. She sleeps snuggled up against me while he sleeps at the foot of the bed.
If I am REALLY nice, then these two will give me a tiny part of my bed.

What is really bad is that Henry grumbles at me if I bump him as I am trying to weave my body around his. Kate, on the other hand, wants to snuggle up. Often she tries to share my pillow with me; if I grab the other pillow then she wants that one too. I can't believe that I thought a double bed would be just fine when I moved in here "alone." (While a bigger bed might be nice, the truth is that I wouldn't want it any other way, as far as bed mates.)

Oooooo. Girl. We got a super comfy King Size a year ago. A Queen looks small now to me. One of the main reasons we upgraded is that Kev and I kept waking each other up (through flailing/movement etc.) and because I have a really high metabolism and my body is actually too "hot" for him (temperature-wise LOL). I reach over and have to actually crawl to find him to snuggle. It's GREAT! He's there when I need him and far away when I don't and vice-versa. And there's plenty of room for Casey-Doodles....



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Well, like so many others, the first thing that came to mind was 3 including my hubby!

We have a king bed (we're both full-figured
) and we have Ethyl (17 yrs, 3.5lb chihuahua), Carmelita (15 yrs, 8lb chihuahua) both in the bed under the covers and then Barney (110lb rott mix) sleeps on an ottoman at the end of the bed. Everyone else is in a different room. Sometimes, like when the electric goes out, we have 4 chihuahuas, 3 cats and 1 italian greyhound in there with us. It's gets quite cozy.

OMG Matt!
That is HI-larious!
Yes, Matt, a bigger bed will replace this one when it is time. While I have no desire for any of the two legged "hot bodies"
the pups are there to stay.

I love Casey appears you caught him in the middle of a good book in the last picture.
Its just me, my daughter Kat, my chi named peanut and my cat Gizzmoe who rushes me to bed if i stay up to late lol
Well, like so many others, the first thing that came to mind was 3 including my hubby!

We have a king bed (we're both full-figured
) and we have Ethyl (17 yrs, 3.5lb chihuahua), Carmelita (15 yrs, 8lb chihuahua) both in the bed under the covers and then Barney (110lb rott mix) sleeps on an ottoman at the end of the bed. Everyone else is in a different room. Sometimes, like when the electric goes out, we have 4 chihuahuas, 3 cats and 1 italian greyhound in there with us. It's gets quite cozy.

OMG Matt!
That is HI-larious!

LOL. That's his other AKA, Mr. Tawilligers LOL....
Definately need the king size bed in our house!! We tried to make the "puppies" my Cairn terrier boys sleep in their own beds. "Mama dog" has always had the bed with us and 4 cats. The puppies(who will be a year old in a week!) have started sneaking up when we go to now it's 3 dogs, 4 cats and the Golden that sleeps wherever we're most likely to trip on him!
Wouldn't have it any other way! When my husband used get up early to go to school and I worked late and slept late, the golden(Duke) would take his place when he got up. One morning Duke kept bugging my husband(no school that day) and Doug got up thinking Duke needed to go out......he was headed for the door.....but Duke was headed for bed! He just figured it was his "time" in bed!
These dogs are just too smart!
I have a tip that I got from my mom that might help some of you with your fur kids in the bed
We put a flat sheet over our bedspread and that keeps the bedspread clean (which is bigger / bulkier to wash). Our shih-tzu's do not shed but our lab x chow and cat do so it keeps down the amount of laundry

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