I've never really counted, but multiplying the number of shelves by the number of books per shelf, I get this:
My actual bookcases, with books, shelved single-file, have room for 1470 books, but I have my paperbacks shelved two deep, so a minimum of 2000 in the bookcases. I also have small cabinets, nightstands, the top of the refrigerator (for cookbooks) -- basically anyplace you can stow or stack a book -- all filled with books, plus bathroom books, stacks beside the bed, and more in boxes...so I'd say easily over 3000 books. Then there are the magazines...
Here's the funny part: until we build our house (hopefully this next year), we live in a "tin cabin" -- a mobile home, obviously stacked to the gills with books, old furniture, collectibles and musical instruments. There is barely room for us and the pets!
I'd never get rid of any of my books. I have reference books, dictionaries and encyclopedias, special interest books (horses, dogs, cats, art, music, history, biography, gardening), fiction, poetry...how could I choose who would go?
My idea of the perfect "wall covering" in a room is floor to ceiling books, with every room a library. When I go into someone's house, nothing tells me more about them than than what books they have. One of my best friends is a nationally known interior design...she is always both fascinated and frustrated with us...I just tell her she has to get normal from her other friends