How many have their own Stallion

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Well-Known Member
Jan 19, 2006
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Ontario Canada
I only have one mare, with our Name for breeding.

Hope to have at least 2 or 3 more in the next couple of years.

This year hope to keep a colt and geld with our name to show.

Does this matter to you? Having your registered name on your bloodline to breed and show?
We are going to when we start breeding. It gives kinda a personal "touch"

And I think its cool.
It is fun to see your own program develop after years of working towards it. I must admit, it's fun seeing our own horses doing well in the show ring (both with us and with new owners
). We selected our breeding animals to compliment each other and it's nice seeing that work - many of our most prized breeding animals DON'T have our farm prefix on them! After being involved with miniature horses for over 10 years, this is the first stallion that we have kept with our own name. Here is Longman's Shadow Spencer (HOF) - multi-AMHR National Top Ten.


We also have a few mares that we have retained for our breeding program. All of the mares we have kept are former show mares or are weanlings getting ready to hit the show string.

Longman's Ranger Blue Rashmi


Longman's Ranger Blue Ripley


Longman's Shadow Shyleigh


Longman's Champ Cicily


Longman's Champ Cadence


Longman's Legacy Madison

We have two of our own breeding.


Filipowicz Just In Time


Foaled 8-15-2005 Futurity Nominated

Sire: Filipowicz Lutke U.S. Spirit

Dam: Twilight Sentinel


Filipowicz's THAT'S ALL FOULKS (HOF)
If I didn't breed the horse I love for them to have their Breeders Prefix in their names

But If I am the Breeder my Prefix is Going on them lol
I don't now, but I would like to have a couple broodmares someday. I don't know what my prefix will be but I want to use a theme to name all the babies, and right now, I am thinking musical terms.
For a few years we showed horses we bought from other folks, but quickly realized that it would be even more special when you win with a horse that you bred and produced from a breeding program you devised and put into action.

Our saying around here is that we show what we breed and it makes things just a little more interesting for us anyway.

To have a breeding program does not mean you have to have a lot of horses or even own your own stallion. Just a concerted effort in culling, not being barn blind and having long range goals/methods in order to attain those goasl. IE: Our Farm Motto of " Where Quality is Produced and Not By Accident".

Sometimes it is slow going, but in the end I think you will find it worth the effort. So to answer your question yes it is important to us anyway.
Yes it is very important for us - as for the past 6+ years, we have selected our show string from our breeding program. We occassionally have one outside horse that is included in our show string, but that is normally either to finish it's HOF or due to a written agreement during purchase to exhibit the horse for a period of time. Then we select our breeding stock from our showstring and thus the process continues.

This practice allows us an internal process for breeding selection and making the best crosses possible to improve our program year over year - we will use either one of our owned stallions or select an outside stallion. We will also obtain outside bloodlines to improve specific aspects as needed. We benchmark the results in the showring both in halter and driving. Further, it is my expectation that the disposition of our show horses is friendly, willing and pleasant.

We certainly didn't start out this way, but over the years, this is where our program has evolved.

We have several Jr stallions who are in line to assume a key roll in the breeding program - here are a couple that have or will shortly have a few girlfriends:

Buckeye WCF Hot Toddy an aspc/amhr sooty buckskin pinto


Buckeye WCF Paposo Mirror Image - an aspc/amhr 100% arenosa stallion


There are several others in the wings that we are evaluating. Neither of the two above are perfect or even close - I can pick them and all of our stallions/mares apart and do, however their are certain traits that I like and wish to replicate in future generations including their dispositions.
So far, I have been able to sell all of my colts, they have been really nice. I have retaibned aonly one filly, now a mare old enough to breed, but I am hoping this coming Spring to get a really great colt and keep him for myself. It will be nice seeing our Prefix on one of our breeding stallions names.

One stallion and one colt are my prefix- I have a bought in colt who I shall not show- why would I promote someone else's prefix??- all my mares are my own breeding for five generations- we are about to go into the sixth- I do not buy in mares, I tend to buy in a colt and keep him for a few years and then find him a home somewhere. Since there is a distinct shortage of good stallions this is not that hard to do, but I have gelded when the home was for a gelding, and not regretted it, either.

The whole point, for me, is to breed as good a horse as I can with the stock I have.

All the mares except two that I am currently breeding have been shown to Show Champion standard and the two that are too old to have been shown are mothers and grand mothers (etc) of Champions.

I am very fussy about my mares, I consider them far more important than the stallions.

Whoa , Nellie, them's fighting words!!!
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I only own one horse with my prefix, a gelding I showed myself from home to multiple championships. Depending on what I see this spring, I may choose to keep one foal a stallion (my considerations for this are related to one particular cross only). For my dime, when it comes to promoting your breeding program -- you cannot beat an awesome GELDING. I like people to see my geldings and think "if that's her gelding, what must her stallion be like?".
My goal from the beginning has been to produce a stallion good enough to be a stallion with my farm name and then keep him. We came very close one year but just not quite good enough so he was gelded. I have 3 colts out there with my farm name but they are all geldings. I have 3 fillies with my farm name on my farm. Sold 2 others with my name.(had 4 but my tiny passed away:() We have had a shortage of colts born here so that has made it harder to accomplish but every year I dream of the one I will produce and keep a stallion. My husband and son constantly tease me that Im too picky and to stop gelding everything but I would rather be very picky and keep waiting "for the one"

Im very excited about my 2008 crosses and hoping this will be the year.
I have several with my farm prefix, whether they were born here or hardshipped in to one of the registeries.

I currently have a B gelding, coming yearling under stud colt, coming yearling under filly all of whom have my prefix that will be shown next year. Also on my string for the coming year will be four others from other farms, who will at some point in time find their way into the breeding program. I hope in the future most of my show horses will not only carry my farm name but will be highly competitive in the showring.
Buckeye WCF Paposo Mirror Image - an aspc/amhr 100% arenosa stallion


Oh Getitia! He is maturing beautifully!!! He is even better than his daddy. I can't wait to see his babies.
I've kept mares for breeding that carry my farm prefix in my very small herd. I've sold a few of those over the years, but this next year will have one in foal for late summer and two more junior mares added to the broodmare band. Two of those have been World Champion/Reserve World Champion and more and the other is unshown due to an injury as a foal.

I am, however, most excited to have added this stallion, Redrock Magic Maker, into my stallion line up!


Magic Maker is AMHA/AMHR/PtHA and 30" at 3 yrs of age. He is AMHA World Top 10 together with his dam as a foal in Mare and Current Year Foal. Now, this year, in a brief show career he has been named, AMHA Champion Sr Stallion, AMHA Reserve Champion Amateur Sr Stallion and PtHA World Top 10 in both Miniature Sr Stallions and Miniature Color Stallions. 7 mares have been bred to him for 2008 and I can't wait to see those foals!
Well, said Sheryl!!! That really is my goal too -- and to keep on gelding those stallion quality foals while I'm at it
Every breeder has a goal of producing the very best of their line -- with that they can show the world they know something (a little something) about breeding and their foals do take on a more desireable fate. I was very fortunate when I began buying a herd to happen upon a fantastic stallion with NO farm prefix. So he was promoted and shown to great results. From him I have sons with my farm name, all producing well (when I let them breed, that is
). I have actually kept the last few fillies I bred as they carry my farm name and are very nice mares.

Back to breeding -- yes, I'd prefer to show those with my prefix but know that when you are assembling your herd it is almost impossible at first. The best way to show your prefixed animals is to sell them
then it becomes more affordable! Think about it -- takes a lot of years to raise you foals to mature breeding age. Besides, for me, buying a mare in foal doesn't "count" as my breeding. Thus to raise those you have bred from own stock to maturity, then breed them for your own breeding, is 6-8 yrs.

Add another yr for a foal to appear, then for them to grow and show -- Yep, 10-12 years involved :DOH!

You spend a lot to promote -- advertising, shows, etc -- and while you would like your own prefix, it makes sense to also show that you have quality livestock no matter the prefix. These will be your breeding stock, right?
We assume and promote....breed best to best, etc.
I have one stallion of my own breeding....."Kickapoo's Apache Moon". We are expecting his first foals in a few months.


I also have some mares from my own breeding. My two Frame Overo Moonstruck daughters "Kickapoo's Laced by Moonlite" and "Kickapoo's A MayZing Moon".

And then I have a CockRobin daughter "Kickapoo's Deja Vu" and 3 other mares from outside bloodlines (an LK Alfalfa Pleasure "Hawk" daughter, a Max White Sabino mare from Liberty breeding, and a 28" b/w mare who is an NFC's Don Juan grandaughter) to cross with Apache.
Our two stallions are not of our breeding, but the vast majority of our mares are ... 22 of our current 29 mares (of all ages) were born here and are "Circle J".

We also, these days, only show horses we raised.
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