How many months along can you give the shot to abort?

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Dec 24, 2002
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I bought a weanling last year but didn't get to pick her up until this fall. She was a little thinish when we got her so started feeding to build her up. She is developing a big belly but not anything else. She isn't getting free choice hay so I don't think it is a hay belly. To me it looks like a "baby belly" but I'm seriously hoping not. She was a year in April. Not any vets close enough to do an ultrasound that I trust. Being here with 3 boys she hasn't shown any heat like the other mares have.
Isn't there a time limit on those as far as length of gestation? I'm thinking she would be about 5-6 months
Wee-Foal is a non-invasive, accurate and rapid urinary test test for diagnosing pregnancy in your mare from 110 days after mating through to 300 days.

PregnaMare test for mares between 40-100 days of pregnancy. Test requires 5 drops of blood which is collected from the muzzle.

These are the two I found online (1 here and 1 at valley vet)

Good Luck
From what my vet has told me in the past when we were discussing this, the 'abortion shot' is most effective prior to 35 days--up to that time 1 shot is all that is required. After 35 days and up to 100 days it may take several doses to be effective. After 100 days it may not work at all.

So, that being the case, if your filly is in foal and as far along as you're thinking she is, it may be too late to give her the shots--even several doses may not terminate the pregnancy.
If your filly/mare is pregnet, and you cant abort the foal, I wish you LOTS of hugs and good luck and hope for the best for the both of you and hope she delivers safely with a healthy foal.
The urine tests work after 120days, I believe. I never used them, but Kay Baxter at sells them, and swears by them. I have used the abortion shot, or lutalyse, and it did not work for us. The mare held the pregnancy to that stallion after two doses 30 days apart when the mare was only 2 weeks along. I am fairly certain it is too far along for her. How old is the mare now? I would certainly contact a vet. Good Luck.
I would think she's too far along to use the shot safely even if it was effective in terminating the pregnancy. Certainly possible for her to be in foal, but not likely at her age. I haven't used the urine or blood test but think in this case that's what I would do first since you don't have a vet who can ultrasound. Good luck with her - hope you are not dealing with a pregnant yearling!

FYI, I have had a couple of yearling fillies this year with the belly. I've done the five day panacur, upped their feed, everything I can think to do and it is finally beginning to look better as they mature and put on more weight overall. These are fillies I've raised so I'm pretty certain there are no babies coming.

Years ago we bought a yearling filly that was bred
No one would belive me at first but sure enough she foaled at 2. The good news is she foaled okay and the foal was fine. But it took so much out of that filly. We had to wean her foal early and it took months to get her back into good weight. It was really hard on her
I agree, I would not try to abort her now. It is too late and other complications could occur. I have used the blood test and it has worked very well, but usually after the 120 days as suggested.

Good luck, but doubt she is PG too. Could be, but rare.

It is to late to give the shot, we had to give the shot last year to our Qh mares when our 2 yr old jumped the wire and bred all 4!!
We had one 2 yr old that the shot did not work on and finally realized it when she was 4 months, the vet told us that if we tried to abort her it could cause permanent damage. So we have a beautiful colt this year!! Our 2 yr old is now a 3 yr old gelding that loves to play with his son!! So I would just keep your fingers crossed and try the pee test.

Good Luck!!
The shot can only be used up to 30 days in foal. After that it will not work. However you should always ultrasound after giving the shot to make sure the mare has absorbed the foal. This gives time to allow for a second shot if needed.

You should really have your filly ultra sounded. However you can use the kits I have had luck with both of them. I never ultra sound anymore I watch to see if my mare comes back in heat and if I question it I have an ultrasound. I use the kits to confirm my predictions. Its a lot less expensive.

Good Luck
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