How many tired people on here have mares @

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Well-Known Member
Nov 30, 2002
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Who will be the next new baby mama here??? I have one @ 332 and Nootka has a couple that are farther than than. The full moon didn't even do it!
My farthest is 245 days along...just waiting ever so patiently...was thinking about have the cam up on Marestare this weekend but thinking it will be to muddy to run cords agian since i took the cam down a few days ago. If not this weekend, then most likely the first week of March i will have Angel up on cam, she is one that generally goes 3 weeks earlier and you have to be there as she has had several red bag deliverys, so we will need the extra eyes
Well I'm not exactly sure when mine is due! She has started developing an udder but not much yet...
I have a maiden mare due anytime. Sure wish she would hurry up. She has a small bag and is very uncomfortable. Maybe the storms today will help her along. She made it through the full moon.

I'm not at home to look at the exact dates, but I have a few in that neighborhood. Mine usually average around 337 days, but I always start checking WAY early. I have not seen anything looking like they will foal within the next 4-6 weeks based on previous experiences. However, I do have 3 maiden mares due to foal this year. They should not be the earliest, but will keep close watch on them just the same. I'm expecting my first in mid to late March.
Actually we are getting a couple of weeks respite, 2 colts & 2 fillies on the ground and nothing due for about 2 weeks.

We will be checking mares this afternoon as some of the next bunch are maiden mares and one mare that historically has hers 10 days early.

Get rest when you can as it is at a premium this time of year. LOl
I can't wait to start seeing some baby pictures from everyone! And umm, JCW, if you have babies we need to see pics! It's all that's keeping us exhausted people going!
I've got 2 that are running neck and neck as far as "readiness"! Both have small but decent bags going and getting looser in the vulva area. My maiden is at 313 days and my other mare is at 305 days but she likes to go early(311-317). So, they'll probably both go the same day.
I think we're about a month away from our first ... everybody be sure to post baby photos to tide me over, okay?

Best of luck to all those who are close!
We ahve 2 more maiden mares due any time - one is 320 and the other is 330 days - they are up close with foaling alarms and cameras, hoping for 2 normal deliveries -
ME ME - sleep deprived here - my mare is at day 343, was put up under the camera new years weekend...




She is showing many of the signs - newest one is within the last 36 hrs she offically has 'jello butt' but does not have an overly large bag

I can't wait to say YES when co workers, friends and even at the drs office ask me if my mare had her baby yet!

Can't wait to send around pics of the little guy - and hold him
cuddle him and start imprint training

Then I can sleep for a little while the other 2 aren't due til the end of April and at best are a week apart on due dates.
I have a maiden mare at 320 today

She has a small udder and a few other minor signs. She is extremely uncomfortable!!!!!

Has been setting the alarm off constantly the last week or so but last night only once. Was nice to get a few hours sleep in a row lol
Me! Sleepless in NC....

Our mare is 327 days today. Already did a baby shave and now just waiting with bleary eyes
and yawns.
We are probably still a month away from our first

one due she is a maiden and pasture bred so the previous owners said

figure on the end of March

Then 2 in April and 2 in June

So I'm not sleepless yet

but post those baby pictures everybody

no better time of year for pictures than foaling season

Here is really bad pic of one of the fillies. I wish I could take better pictures like my wife does.
[SIZE=12pt]Sleep deprived doesn't even discribe it.... We don't have camera's or a foal alert system. We personally watch our girls ourselves every season. You could say nobody knows my mares like I do....[/SIZE]

We had our first foal for 2009 last night at 2:00 a.m.. The mare "Alamos Sirs Elegant Fawn was at 330 days. She had a beautiful little Silver Buckskin colt with ice blue eyes and a 7.25 inch cannon bone. Mother and colt are doing just fine.... I'll have to take some photos and post them in the next day or so.

Her colt "Sacred Profit" from last year is with the trainer and will be shown this season. This one looks like it has the same potential.

Nothing better than a healthy dam and foal. YAHOO!!!

One down twenty-five more to go.
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We have a mare that is at 317 days and several others that would be due next month.
One down twenty-five more to go.
Holy smokes!
Twenty five more???? Are you serious? How do you DO it?!

Love seeing pictures of the babies, mare stare never works for me so make sure everyone shares when the little ones arrive!!!!
One maiden mare due last Friday - I've been watching her for weeks, seriously watching her since about last Wednesday, and nothing yet. Mine seem to favor the week after the full moon, which is where we are now.


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