This has been a fun thread......
Larry and I bought our first mini in 1990. Participated in our first show in 1991 (where we first met Mark Bullington). By that time we had TWO minis.
In 1992 we were moving to larger acreage in Central Oregon and we owned 6 minis with two of them pregnant AND we were definitely bitten by the "show bug".
In 1994(?) we coordinated our first horse show for the Northwest Miniature Horse Club (AMHA).
Over the years we accumulated a dozen club year end high point awards for our youngsters and a couple of Regional Championships......all with AMHA.
In 1998 we became active with AMHR as well.......(We discovered the Arenosa bloodline at that point.)
1999 was a HUGE year for us --
-- I coordinated another AMHA show for the Northwest Miniature Horse Club by myself! (That one proved to be interesting as Larry was in full throttle with transporting and Brianna was a two year I strapped her into a stroller for that one!)
-- Portia Sue (and her then husband, Robert) took our AMHA stallion, "Alamos Locomotions Bay Escapade", to Reserve Grand Champion Futurity (Performance), plus Top 10 in Country Pleasure.... He also was awarded a bunch of year end awards with both AMHA and our Club for Driving and Liberty.....(We didn't bother showing him much in halter because he'd already gone Top Ten in that as a Yearling.)
-- Lori Gugliamo took our young Arenosa stallion, "Bristol El Dorado", and won 3rd at the AMHR Nationals in Halter. He also received all sorts of Year End High Point Awards, including Hall of Fame......... He literally won a Halter Championship in EVERY show Lori took him into.
AND THEN WE PULLED BACK FROM SHOWING....... We burned out? Part of it was that I was so focused on being a mom. I'd wanted to be one for SO many years.......
In 2003, we had leased out one of our geldings, "Columbia Gorge Gwideon" to a dear friend of ours. Her youngest daughter wanted to show him in driving. (They earned a lot of gelding money that year! LOL) Brianna was 6 years old and she wanted to experience "showing"........So, our friend, Denise Bernt, told us to come on over to the show! We knew that "Gwid" was bomb-proof and ready...... We tried to prepare Brianna for the experience, but being the Prima Dona she pushed us all off and with very little experience she plowed into her first YOUTH GELDING HALTER class...... (Mark Bullington was announcing for that one too!) Bri won a ribbon........I think it was the second from the last one awarded. LOL.
In 2005, Brianna and I took a weanling colt over to the last AMHA show of the season in the back of my mini van. She wanted to show him in the OPEN Weanling Colt Halter class! What was hysterical was that it took the local show office staff some time to acknowledge that a child could still show a WEANLING COLT..... Bri and our colt, Jeffie, were the ONLY it was primarily a learning experience for all involved.......(AND a PHOTO OPP!!! LOL!)
After that, we only showed at the Oregon State Fair 2007 (AMHR)......with our Arenosas.........We took Championships with all of our horses there........
If we can swing it from several different directions, I would love to say we will be back showing at SOME level this year! Frankly, I MISS IT!