How Much Time Spent With Foal??

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Well-Known Member
Dec 26, 2002
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1 that I have the coveted little much time should I be spending with her. She's now 48 hrs old and doing great. I don't want to interfere with her mommy & me time, but I can't get enough of being with her. How much time is healthy people-time??
In my opinion, as long as she is strongly bonded with her dam, and her dam doesn't mind you being there, then as much as you like!
Some mares can be overly protective for a while at first and object to anyone "messing with" their foal. Others don't mind a bit.

I'd just like to caution that if you let the foal get too "spoiled" early on (and by that I guess I really mean "naughty-- pushy, or nipping, or kicking---) then she could be much more difficult to handle later on. Do establish that she must respect you. Difficult to do when they are so tiny and cute, but just think of her doing those things when she is grown and 200 to 300 pounds. :eek:

Have fun with her!
i wont even say how much time i have spent with diva since she was born but its alot!!! LOL. But i have owned her mother for many years and she doesnt mind. But i will make her respect my space etc when she gets older.
We spend TONS of time with our foals, just sitting with them - playing with them. By 2 months old most will have had at least a partial body clip, raven plays with there feet ect. I havent found that it spoils them and it becomes an issue. I have found it makes it easier for them to deal with new situations, to stand for a farrier or vet and to be clipped and bathed as well as much easier for there new owners to do stuff with them. There is a time where they look at you as a playmate more then a "mare" but that is pretty easily solvable and I think they go thru that stage no matter when you start messing alot with them - be it babies or yearlings or whatever.

As long as the mare doesnt mind and most dont (at least not your just sitting there in the pen where baby can come and go to you as they please) I say the more time the better for a nice all around sound minded foal who is easy to accept not only you but new situations as well. OF course it helps I have Raven who halter trains most of the foals as well- she is closer to there size and they just love to play with her

Most of our foals sell before they are a couple weeks old so it makes it easier for me to really work with them alot so they are much easier for there new owners to deal with and not scared of things but pretty socialized.

I have been to places where you walk up and a majority of the horses run from you including the foals I prefer they run to see me and others
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I like to spend as much time as the baby likes and mom approves of
Luckily my mares are all very good with anyone handling the babies


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