Well-Known Member
I have one mare who constantly wads feed. Her teeth are checked and done regularly and there was nothing wrong with them, but she seems very tolerant of my cleaning the grit out, and actually will approach me to have it down, now!
One thing that does ring alarm bells in what you were doing is the salt.
I would never, ever add salt in a case of suspected possible colic.
I had a Vet do this with a pump and a hose to get things going, she said, put salt in the water.
The horse drank so much in the night that he herniated and died.
The water never did get through the blockage.
So, as far as I am concerned, that is a definite "no-no" nowadays!!
Also, salt is very abrasive, if he has an ulcer, or even an aggravated stomach, salt is going to do no good at all....
One thing that does ring alarm bells in what you were doing is the salt.
I would never, ever add salt in a case of suspected possible colic.
I had a Vet do this with a pump and a hose to get things going, she said, put salt in the water.
The horse drank so much in the night that he herniated and died.
The water never did get through the blockage.
So, as far as I am concerned, that is a definite "no-no" nowadays!!
Also, salt is very abrasive, if he has an ulcer, or even an aggravated stomach, salt is going to do no good at all....