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Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2005
Reaction score
Southeast, Colorado
These pics are of Rory and Linny. Could you give us suggestions as to how he would look his best while being shown. This for FFA/4-H showing,but we want to show him properly to where he will look his best. We know that Rory should be in front of him - but we are having a hard time to getting him to stand still - any suggestions on this would be appreciated also. Thanks


Hey, cool color!!!! Does he have a dark stripe down his back?
Have you worked first just getting him to stand still without worrying if he's square? I'm not very experienced with training them for halter myself yet, but it works best for me to get them to stand still and know "woah" then I work towards getting them to stand in the position I want.

I just have to say though, WOW -- if I were the judge, that's a 1st place color horse without a doubt! I LOVE all that dun factor and light body color. He is just so striking and unusual. I am smitten by how awesome his dun factor is!!!!
yes he does have the dorsal stripe. Thanks for the good comments on his coloring.

We have been working with "whoa" and standing still - but the minute Rory steps away - he steps away with him. And beings we have never shown before but is something we would like to get involved with we are really open to any and all suggestions.

We figured showing FFA/4-H would be a great place to start - and there are no other mini's in the Valley that are shown. We would really like to get people more interested in them around here and some more kids showing them. Heck I might even try my hand at showing!!!

Come on guys - help us out here and give us some suggestions - PLEASE

edited to say - Yes those are also zebra stripes on his legs - we had one colt out of him this year - he was born sorrel with silver in his mane and tail. But now that he is starting to shed out his legs are turning silver with zebra stripes - body is still sorrel - pretty neat looking - has us guessing. This colt's mom is a blood bay.
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here is the quickest way to get him to stop moving. but you have to be consistent! everytime you set him up say whoa over and over. once hes stopped then take a couple steps back from him. if he moves IMMEDIATELY back him up 4-6 steps. Reset him. Repeat over and over. Usually only takes a few times and they learn not to move cus they really dont like to back up. be sure though when you back him up you back straight back---not all over the place.
What all does the color class involve? We are totally new to the showing of these guys - daughter used to show full size paint horses for 4-H - which are shown a lot differently than these guys. The 4-H rules say you must show to the horses breed. So I do need the help.

Would you stand him square or stretch him? I don't have a clue.

Like I said no one shows these guys around here - we are planning to go to the CO State Fair this year to watch - as there aren't even shows close to us - this will be the closest one at a little over an hour a way. But I am sure we can learn something by watching and talking to different people.
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color class is the easiest most stress free class to show in. all you have to do is walk in a circle and then reverse and walk the other way
Grooming is a huge deal in color class so be sure hes immaculate!

I would show him in halter just a bit stretched. be sure to push down on his croup when you set him up to get that butt down a bit

Have fun!!
Another hint - once you have him standing, never pull him towards you to get him to move. Always go back to his shoulder, turn to the front, and ASK him to move - (walk, chirp, whatever, but consistent). I've found that when I train my horses this way, I can go to the end of the lead and not worry about the moving unless I go to the proper position - facing front and beside them.

He is certainly a stunning color!!

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