You hit that one on the head! I am sure sore today. Tummy is full of the CO2 they fill you up with and I am sore from my bellybutton to my shoulders. I have gotten up and walked around alot and, well, did too much like laundry, dishes, cleaned up toys, made lunches...ummm...I know, naughty me.Shane,
Check the back end of her "nervous post" . She came back on and reported all went well!
Now, the day AFTER the surgery is another matter! I suspect she is going to be one sore puppy!
Doing much better today after a good night's sleep. And yep, hubby is taking the kids to school while I sit here in my jammies playing on the computer. :bgrin Then he is going into town to get me my favorite coffee.:aktion033: IM GLAD ITS ALL OVER FOR YA!!! BUT I HOPE THE PAIN DOESNT LAST TOO LONG :no: BUT REMEMBER WHAT THE GIRLS OF THE FORUM ADVISED YOU TO DO?????????????: MILK IT :bgrin![]()
So glad that is over and behind you now.. Suck up to the pampering. You deserve it!! Hope ya get back to your young self again soon.