Kelly, what about your sleigh?Tornados North of Fort Worth this morning, headed y’all’s way! Be safe out there!!
High today is 66, low on Thursday is 19 yikes
Come on snow I got my sled ready!!
Kelly, what about your sleigh?Tornados North of Fort Worth this morning, headed y’all’s way! Be safe out there!!
High today is 66, low on Thursday is 19 yikes
Come on snow I got my sled ready!!
Postcard ready picture right there!Winter has started in NW Connecticut! The snow is so pretty when it first falls, but my critters will dirty it up in no time![]()
What an eye opener for me, from Californialol It's so funny reading about you lot complaining about winter... It's currently -32 C (-25.6 F) and it's going to sit around there all week until Christmas eve when it will warm up to the -teens/single digits. There's probably been 3" of snow fall the last 3 days, with another 8" of accumulation prior to that. The sun isn't up until after 9, goes down close to 4, solstice is rough! I needed to do a little sales video for my colt who has interest in California (he'd very much like to go there and I'd very much like to go with him!) so I shoveled him a runway on our driveway so he had a clear path to walk through the snow.
The conversion of temperature from Celsius to Freiheit boggles my mind. Celsius, 0 is freezing. If it's above 0, it's above freezing. If it's below, it's cold. The convergence happens between the two at -40. I was telling the lady interested in Misha that it was -16 degrees, +3 F. But now at -32, it's way down to -25 F! Bonkers.
Anyways, it's cold, it's snowy and it's absolutely stunning in the places where it hasn't been touched. There are amazing stories to be told in the snow, if you know how to read them. And there are no venomous anythings or gigantic bugs or things in the water that will eat you back (except for those monster musky in the northern lakes...)
Stay warm!!
Donkeys are so enterainingYou won't hear me complain about snow or winter, but it doesn't typically get as cold here as it does in Minnesota or other parts of the country (world), if it did, I definitely would not like it so much! Right now, day temps are in the 20's and mid 30's, nights teens and 20's, so not bad. January and February will get a bit colder, most nights just below zero, but daytime temps are typically in the low 20's, again, not too bad. I also love to see all the wildlife footprints in the fresh snow. After the snowfall in the above photo, I found prints of deer, rabbit, and our neighborhood bobcat and fox. The only real bummer about winter is that I can't really play with the equines like I can at other times of the year.
I don't know how many others have donkeys, but in winter, after it snows, mine will not go outside the barn until I shovel or use the snow blower to create paths for them. They hate to walk in the snow. I mess with them sometimes, by starting a path and stopping it in the middle of no where. When they come to the end of the cleared pathway and can't go any further, they turn their big bodies around within the 2' wide path to go back to where they came from, rather than walking through the snow to get to where they want to go. Sometimes they will stop and look around to see if I'll finish a connecting path for them. They're very comical. The snow can be fun!
Stay warm, stay safe!!! We're on our third day of -35 C (so we're getting pretty close to the -40s) but there's little wind and no snow, thank goodness! Today is supposed to be our last day of this kind of cold. Crazy to think -18 C is looking really great right now!Here in SW Oklahoma we were warned to brace for the polar blast. I put hay out for the horses and snugged them into their blankets. A blast, indeed. At 3 a m this morning, we went from 34 degrees to 7 degrees. With the force of wind, the wind chill is -41. There must have been a little precipitation right before the freeze as now the porch is a sheet of ice.
Wood stove going so we are snug. Luckily don't need to be out on the road.