Silver City Heritage Farmstead
Can't stop now (formerly Dragons Wish Farm)
Willow Flats is she a Miniature or Standard? She's very lovely!
If I'd answered this thread 2 weeks ago until yesterday I'd have been echoing most of the above: hot, hot, humid + hot, humid + dangerously hot.
My neighbor works construction. He came home early 4 times in 9 work days with cramps and dehydrated. It's been worrisome trying to get a 23 year old to respect what Mother Nature can do.
So far this hurricane season we've had remnants from one storm do major damage to counties in Western NC. Remnants of Ida just grazed our flanks near that same area but blew by quickly. That last system pushed more sticky icky weather our way through yesterday.
Today though is a glorious fall-is-coming-soon day! It was in the 90's like the last few weeks have been yet without the stifling humidity so it felt much cooler.
And tonight...blessed cool air!! Chilly cool air. Like...I need a blanket and sockies cool air!!!
I'm hoping this front will stay seated here long enough to direct Hurricane Larry on a path to the middle Atlantic away from land. Southern Mexico, Central America, the Gulf of Mexico states, the Mississippi Valley and the Norteast U.S. have already been smacked around pretty thoroughly by this hurricane season. The scary part is that we're just entering the busiest months.
My heart breaks when I look at the live satellite views of the west coast. Northern California, Nevada and Idaho are all places I've lived in and loved. To see the smoke plumes rising so high from the Tahoe area and blanketing I said, it's heartbreaking. I don't know how anyone or anything breathes in it. Unlike hurricanes you can't predict where fires will go. Embers can fly who knows how many miles in an ash plume and start fires far away. They spread faster than anyone who's never been in one can comprehend.

I pray about the entire climate situation daily. I pray for the people who live where whatever major weather event is ongoing. I pray for the service people who are fighting it. I pray and pray and pray.
I just hope these extremes events aren't the new normal.
If so, I'd better pray REALLY hard for our children and grandchildren. They've some tough living to do.

If I'd answered this thread 2 weeks ago until yesterday I'd have been echoing most of the above: hot, hot, humid + hot, humid + dangerously hot.
My neighbor works construction. He came home early 4 times in 9 work days with cramps and dehydrated. It's been worrisome trying to get a 23 year old to respect what Mother Nature can do.
So far this hurricane season we've had remnants from one storm do major damage to counties in Western NC. Remnants of Ida just grazed our flanks near that same area but blew by quickly. That last system pushed more sticky icky weather our way through yesterday.
Today though is a glorious fall-is-coming-soon day! It was in the 90's like the last few weeks have been yet without the stifling humidity so it felt much cooler.

My heart breaks when I look at the live satellite views of the west coast. Northern California, Nevada and Idaho are all places I've lived in and loved. To see the smoke plumes rising so high from the Tahoe area and blanketing I said, it's heartbreaking. I don't know how anyone or anything breathes in it. Unlike hurricanes you can't predict where fires will go. Embers can fly who knows how many miles in an ash plume and start fires far away. They spread faster than anyone who's never been in one can comprehend.

I pray about the entire climate situation daily. I pray for the people who live where whatever major weather event is ongoing. I pray for the service people who are fighting it. I pray and pray and pray.
I just hope these extremes events aren't the new normal.