Hunter/jumper Crossing your path

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Becky Horat

Well-Known Member
Nov 14, 2011
Reaction score
Northern California
Headed to our first schooling show this weekend. We've been practicing for Hunter and are entering that this weekend. I have one question on "crossing your own path." What happens if your horse refuses the jump and you re-do it? Wouldn't your have to cross your path? Or is this rule pertaining to the actual course not including refusals? I know I've been told this, but can't remember. Thanks for your help.
I am more familiar with Pinto rules but I think all the rules are similar for this one. As you say, you have to cross your path after a refusal, so no, you don't get hit twice with a penalty - a refusal just counts as a refusal. But if your horse starts getting ahead of you and you have to circle, that's the most likely cause of the penalty for "crossing your own path". I am sure there are other ways to get that penalty, but a regular refusal shouldn't be one of them. Good luck!
Thank you....that's what I thought. Probably a pretty silly question....thanks for not laughing....and thanks for the help!!!
What I was told was its the way you fix your refusal that could get you to cross your path. I will attempt to explain LOL! If I have this wrong someone please correct me plus I always highly encourage asking a steward at a show if you are unsure of something. I was told that when you have a refusal, you can either back the horse up an appropriate distance to try again OR you can PUSH the horse to turn and then come back to the jump. NEVER pull the horse to you for a circle back, pretty much just make sure never to make a circle in general. I hope this makes some sense but it was what I was told when I DQ'd not knowing the proper way to do it.
Maybe the rules are different because in Pinto Association rules it clearly states that you can circle after a refusal with no additional penalty. ALWAYS READ THE RULES is my motto! Also in pinto your halter MUST be leather for hunter and MUST be plain - no bling at all. See what I mean about knowing the rules?

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