Well-Known Member
I've been meaning to post this buy i have been busy working on my Binder for FFA the past two weeks every night.
This week was FFA week at school, well Wensday we had a hypnotist at school. He was the hypnotist who was at FFA nationals and hypnotized my Ag. teacher. So we thought it would be a nice thing to have him come to school for FFA week and perform for the whole school. His name is Dr Jim Wand (www.hypnotism.com <<if the link doesnt work, i will fix it but i think thats his site). He was hillarious, and i have to admit i was a bit skeptical going into it. But he took about 5 teachers up on stage (including my Ag. teacher who he hypnotized at Nationals) and about 15 students including one of my friends. I didnt want to get up on stage, because i would have spilled every bad thing i had done in my life
He did allot of the stuff he did at nationals (i think *MiniSeason* has seen him before, im pretty sure she was at FFA nationals). Well one of the last things he did was do a little American Idol type of thing. He picked our principal and told him he was Elvis Presly and he started singing and dancing. Then my Ag. Teacher, made him think he was Shania Twain, so Z (my ag teacher) rolled up his shirt and started dancing and then a kid i didnt know thought he was simon cowell. But if you know our principal and Z ...they would HAVE to be hypontized to even think about doing half the things they did.
What got me, was he was telling people to do all these things. And he told them all to follow his voice commands when they were first getting into the hypnotized state, well he told them to fall forward when he counted to 5. When he said 5 i jumped forward and then stopped myself. lol i dont have any idea what happened, i just shot forward. That was all i really did thought, it wasnt anything big. I seen a couple students watching who did a few small things from time to time though to so i felt better :bgrin.
Afterward he said that if we wanted to we could come up to him and he said that if there was anything we wanted to work on, like stop eating as much, stop biting nails ext he would hypnotize us for it. He only got about 15 people because most people just wanted to leave and get home (this was at the end of the day). I asked him if he could hypnotise me so i would worry less. He spent a couple minutes with me and i came out of it and felt all fuzzy inside. I can honestly say that i have been so relaxed this week. Now i wish i would have gotten my nail biting habbit taken care of as well.
But i am now a beleiver!
Anyone else ever gone through anything like this?
I know allot of people think these people are a scam when you hear these commercials on the radio saying they will hypnotise you and make you quit smoking, drinking, eating ext. But it works, i will stand behind this my whole life and i think it is worth the money!
This week was FFA week at school, well Wensday we had a hypnotist at school. He was the hypnotist who was at FFA nationals and hypnotized my Ag. teacher. So we thought it would be a nice thing to have him come to school for FFA week and perform for the whole school. His name is Dr Jim Wand (www.hypnotism.com <<if the link doesnt work, i will fix it but i think thats his site). He was hillarious, and i have to admit i was a bit skeptical going into it. But he took about 5 teachers up on stage (including my Ag. teacher who he hypnotized at Nationals) and about 15 students including one of my friends. I didnt want to get up on stage, because i would have spilled every bad thing i had done in my life

He did allot of the stuff he did at nationals (i think *MiniSeason* has seen him before, im pretty sure she was at FFA nationals). Well one of the last things he did was do a little American Idol type of thing. He picked our principal and told him he was Elvis Presly and he started singing and dancing. Then my Ag. Teacher, made him think he was Shania Twain, so Z (my ag teacher) rolled up his shirt and started dancing and then a kid i didnt know thought he was simon cowell. But if you know our principal and Z ...they would HAVE to be hypontized to even think about doing half the things they did.
What got me, was he was telling people to do all these things. And he told them all to follow his voice commands when they were first getting into the hypnotized state, well he told them to fall forward when he counted to 5. When he said 5 i jumped forward and then stopped myself. lol i dont have any idea what happened, i just shot forward. That was all i really did thought, it wasnt anything big. I seen a couple students watching who did a few small things from time to time though to so i felt better :bgrin.
Afterward he said that if we wanted to we could come up to him and he said that if there was anything we wanted to work on, like stop eating as much, stop biting nails ext he would hypnotize us for it. He only got about 15 people because most people just wanted to leave and get home (this was at the end of the day). I asked him if he could hypnotise me so i would worry less. He spent a couple minutes with me and i came out of it and felt all fuzzy inside. I can honestly say that i have been so relaxed this week. Now i wish i would have gotten my nail biting habbit taken care of as well.
But i am now a beleiver!

Anyone else ever gone through anything like this?
I know allot of people think these people are a scam when you hear these commercials on the radio saying they will hypnotise you and make you quit smoking, drinking, eating ext. But it works, i will stand behind this my whole life and i think it is worth the money!
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