I am getting an itch........

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Well-Known Member
Dec 28, 2007
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Lake City, Florida
From taking my show horses into the barn and start working with them. I am trying to wait till the end of February ( so neither they or I get sour) as our first show is not till the end of May.

But oh I want to bring them in and clip them down.

I will post the before and after pictures once I do it........

Think I can hold off for another two weeks?
I've already brought my very fat from all that winter hay, show horses in and got them started on a show diet. started clipping necks and sweating, started lounging. Too cold to clip the whole body, but our first show is in April. I can't believe how fat my favorite show mare is, she is a little chub, hope I can get the weight off slowly enough and still keep her healthy. Vet is coming tomorrow for teeth, I hate it when the Vet comes the horses see a white coat and go crazy. Maybe she'll leave it at home. Then I'll have to get her back out for coggins, and before I know it, it'll be time for the gelding---OH Whoa is me.
I feel your pain sister! I am really wanting to clip tom and sophie (our babies from last year) But dang it its too cold!
I feel your pain. A couple of nice warm days - over 15 - and I'm ready to hit the clipper racks! I trimmed the head and about 6" of neck on a mare for a potential client, and it was all I could do to stop and not take it down to the skin.

Come on spring!
I'm so excited to start clipping mine!!! I've have been working them everyday and put them on diets. So I'm SO excited to see what's under all that hair!
We're expecting highs in the 40s and 50s for the next week. Every time I get near the yearlings my clipper hand starts shaking...
OHHH I can't wait to clip!!!!! AND I get to do it next month and I know what day to!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

THE 21 of March YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Oh I hear ya all on this one!!! Your killing me with the 50 to 60 degrees for weather temps. Here in Maine we are still dealing with 20's and 30's being our heatwave!!! My daughter and I are sooooo ready to start them in, just waiting for the weather to cooperate! Necksweats are on, and hay is being weaned, just waiting for the right weather so its not stop and go.


Victory Pass Stable

You can do it!! Two more weeks is nothin'.

Our first show is the end of April and it's always freezing with that damp chill. I have to make myself strip the last of the hair off as it's pathetic watching them get more and more antsy and then start to shiver!
However I'm more than ready to get back into training and driving work and the weather is stubbornly refusing to cooperate with pouring rain every time I'm home. Today is nice (of course, I'm at work until dark
) but they're forecasting snow for this weekend.
Guess I'll have to wait a little longer before starting up the conditioning! And no clipping until they're working enough to justify it. *sigh*

arg... :arg! :arg!

A high of 52 today. My clipper hand is shaking, but tomorrow and the next 7 days, the weather is going to be in the 30's with snow in the forecast.

My barn is heated, but I do not want to turn on the heat till March when foaling season could start for me (paddock bred mares). Besides, fuel costs are high now!!
arg... :arg! :arg!

A high of 52 today. My clipper hand is shaking, but tomorrow and the next 7 days, the weather is going to be in the 30's with snow in the forecast.

My barn is heated, but I do not want to turn on the heat till March when foaling season could start for me (paddock bred mares). Besides, fuel costs are high now!!

As far as foaling, Marbles dam is looking hugh and it is a repeat breeding of Marbles. Would it not be cool to get another one, though a colt this time would be nice, but it would have to be another brindle for me to want a colt.
I've clipped heads and necks on my two. I'm ok on waiting to clip my 4 year old, because I know what he looks like under that hair, but I'm dying to clip my almost 10 month old. Our first show is March 20th. It's just a fun local open show, but I still want them to look thier best. It's supposed to his 70 this weekend here and I'm tempted to clip a little more, but I'll resist.


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