I am June Cleaver

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Well-Known Member
Jun 6, 2004
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Donie TX
I had worked since I was a pre-teen, never without a job except during a cross country move. Have always done things myself if at all possible. Figured that if both hubby and I worked, he needed to help and I wont even say what would happen if he complained dinner wasnt on time LOL

The change started slowly after my diagnosis of a life altering illness, had to quit work and that in itself nearly killed me. Only so many times a day the house needs vacuuming LOL Slow but sure I started doing more for hubby, it made up for me feeling so bad about not working. Now I find myself getting up at all hours when he gets called to make breakfast or coffee, whatever. For 2 years he had 2 full time jobs, work and a bike shop, so the only time he was here he was asleep. So I took up all the chores, which I had pretty much done all anyway LOL That spoiled man does nothing and its all my fault :lol:

I dread the day that I can go back to work ( ohhh please let that day come) what will that boy ever do!!?

anymore Mrs Cleavers out there? Surely I cant be the only one?
Well, Im no June Cleaver but if you mean the dishes and the cleaning and the laundry and the barn work and the lawns and most of the meals yup that would be me. Also all the getting the trash ready to go and most of the moving of fencing etc. Bring in wood morning and night. But to be fair hubby has a very b ad back and most of this has come as a result of his not being able to.
I told my husband before we got married that I would never be her-Ever and if that's who he wanted as that was who his mother was then he better find someone else. I think for awhile there he thought I was kidding but he soon learned that I was not. He was a bit traumatized but has recvered except for the fact that every now and then he complains that the horses get cared for better than he does and I tell him he's exactly right as the horses can't care for themeselves. No June Cleavers here with any of my family members. Even my grandmother has retired from the role to the total shock of my grandfather.

Well my mom used us as her slaves so her house was clean..............my dad is a neat freak...........my dads mother never drove, paid a bill, wrote a check but she had a clean house................my mothers mom was more relaxed but still kept a pretty tidy home...................................they ruined me.......I will do anything other than clean the house...........I would rather clean stalls pick up dog poop or drain abccesses than do the dishes and vaccuum. Hence my house looks like a bunch of kids live there
: :bgrin :bgrin
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Well my mom used us as her slaves so her house was clean..............my dad is a neat freak...........my dads mother never drove, paid a bill, wrote a check but she had a clean house................my mothers mom was more relaxed but still kept a pretty tidy home...................................they ruined me.......I will do anything other than clean the house...........I would rather clean stalls pick up dog poop or drain abccesses than do the dishes and vaccuum. Hence my house looks like a bunch of kids live there
: :bgrin :bgrin
I think we'd get along splendedly. :bgrin

I clean the house when I'm darn good and ready, but it takes me awhile to get to the point where it has to be done. I do the dishes, but not everyday; we don't have a dishwasher, as our water would ruin one. I do cook, but only because I'd don't like his cooking; I like a little variety, hamburgers would get very boring, if I ate them every meal.
This may sound nuts but I wish I could do these things. I always loved to cook and bake. I took pride in my home. Now I have to watch someone else do it and hubby has taken over the kitchen. Don't want to sound heavy but be thankful you can do these things. I would give anything to be able to do them again.
Yup I'm June Cleaver, Martha Stewart, The Nanny if that means I can also have horse manure stuck underneath my toenails too. They are a great conversation piece.

I always did the business end of the business, working in our store, doing estimates etc. and running the work crews. At the same time I'm a full time mom, maid, and stable girl.

Now things are a bit different since I won't be going back to work in the store until after the trial. But I still do the business end of stuff from home, all that dumb paperwork, trying to balance the books, etc. and run my little online tack store, mange the horses, and still be a full time mom and I am working on two new books. But I learned not to push things too much anymore. I pace myself a lot better now to keep the pressure off. If all the laundry doesn't get done today I can do it tomorrow. I do not have to dust and sweep and vaccum every day. The dirt will still be there tomorrow too. And if my windows are so dirty that I can't see out of them, that means that nobody can't see inside so I don't need curtains anymore. :eek: If I don't pick out every foot on every horse every single day they will not get thrush over night and think they are not loved. I don't cook on weekends. Pizza on Friday nights and order take out on Saturdays. And I do like my manure embedded under my toenails from summer in the barn with flipflops. I just add a little kopportox to my bath water once a week and that makes it more interesting to look at. :new_shocked:
I grew up with a sister who was a neat freak. Mom worked evenings and I cannot recall her ever making a meal other than her breakfast , doing any yard work or cleaning. Sis and I did everything, except the heavy stuff, like chopping wood, was my job since I outgrew my sister ( she's 7 years older) I was a slob to put it lightly, even through my apartments and first house. Things would be clean but messy. Got new house and slow but sure I am a neat freak, a total Virgo LOL

I used to cook when I could, horses came first. Hubby would get mad that he had been working all day and then had to make his own dinner and never stopped to think that hey, I worked too ya know!

This change wouldnt have happened if I hadnt gotten ill. Unless I just cant move, I cannot stand to be down when someone else is working. Weird.

Marylou, I am, dont get me wrong. For about 2 years I couldnt really do much, it took 2 days to do grocery shopping, one day getting, one day putting up. Fatigue was SO bad that even a 1/2 hour of work would knock me out for a day. I am one that always thinks about those worse off, I dont have pity parties. Well, ok I do but they are rare and short lived
: I wish I could do cooking services for people, but my days of feeling decent are so sporadic that no one could count on me.

Marty, I did all that stuff for hubbys shop too. I was the cheapest labor around LOL Have to say looking back that I wasnt all that appreciated either. He would give me $ for that work every now and again, but never thought about it. Hope yours does and that you are appreciated!
nope not around here! i took that saying:

If you can't write "I love you" in the dust on the furniture, it's not a home

and modified it so here is our motto:

If you can't write "I went riding" in the dust on the furniture, it ain't a ranch!

and i just LOVE the t-shirts they sell now with the saying about "this is one little girl", my favorite is "this is one little girl who rather clean stalls than her room" and i think they should make those t-shirts for BIG girls too LOL. given a choice between ANY kind of house cleaning and working outside, you will find me sunburned!!!
Oh my, my step father was a tall, neat freak. He would come into the house and run his fingers over the top of the refrigerator, over doorways and anyplace we couldn't reach easily and growl because it wasn't **** and span. I was never allowed to sit or play on my bed, and anything that was moved had to be put right back in it's original place immediately. Guess what my house looks like? Better not come in and white glove test anything that is even down low enough for me to reach! That is a rather miserable existance, and talk about stress! My poor mother quit when he passed away. Things were always neat and tidy, but if there was dust on top of the fridge, oh well! So, in answer to your original question, no I am no June Cleaver.
[SIZE=12pt]I guess if my house was clean and the laundry was finished (is laundry ever FINISHED?), I might be a June Cleaver....nahh, I don't think so
: [/SIZE]
Well I still live at home so it probably doesn't count, but no I'm really not. I do all the chores, bring in firewood, shoe the horses, keep the barn, corrals, arena etc..... in tip top shape. I am tidy in the house, but mom cooks all the meals, washes the dishes, dusts, vacuums, does laundry etc...... she doesn't go outside hardly at all. My Dad is the fixerupper on the place, building fences, rebuilding some pieces of the barn, keeping all the equipment maintained so we can all work (he owns a fence contracting company and we all work (and get paid) for him). Helping ride the colts when it takes two of us. My brother, well........ I don't know what to say. He seems to disappear most of the time when things need done, but you can always find him in the living room shooting pool or in his leather room building something cool. I do have to say if you want something built he'll do it, but don't expect help cleaning the barn or shoeing the horses, no way he'll be there. Really everything is spread pretty nice around here and things get done. I don't think I could handle doing everything for someone though, that takes a special person. I dated a guy for a while that thought that was how it would be I told him where to go
: . What can I say I'm mean that way. My hat is off to those of you who pull it off
After 17+ years of marriage, Keith and I still live like bachelors. If one of us thinks the house is too messy, then they can clean it. Every now and then we have company to force us to clean house, but it's been ahile, LOL! (althoughh, I confess, I have a load of laundry going right now...) Keith is more likely to cook, I'm more likely to do yardwork. It works for us.

If we had written our own wedding vows, I would have said "for sex, for sax[ophone], but not for sox."

My mother always said that we would remember that she played with us more than we'd remember if she kept a tidy home. This is so true...she was/is a wonderful nurturer, and kept her priorities straight.

Life is too short for housework in my book!

But Pepi, you're not really June Cleaver, as you have the freedom to live your life as you wish; you're not a prisoner of society's edict!
LOL Susanne Sometimes I think I am ROFLAO!! I am so much more of a giver than taker. I cut coupons, not because I need to, but because I cant handle throwing out the ads knowing its money I am tossing :lol: I make sure hubby has what he needs, not because he asks ( man does ever know better!) but because since I cant work, its my 'job' to tend to the house etc. But if I dont feel up to it, no skin off my nose
: Its just weird, I never thought I would act like this Sometimes wonder if I need my head examined Oh wait, did that :bgrin

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