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I REALLY wish you would read what I am saying instead of what you think I am saying.
I am in NO way blaming AMHA for the horse's mane being cut. I am NOT saying they are actively trying to help the person responsible get away with it!
What I AM saying is that by NOT making the announcement they said they would make, they ARE making it easier for the person to get away with this. If people don't know it happened then how can they step forward to help with information?? If that is "over the top" then so be it. Protecting all 800 horses at the show is not an ability, nor a responsibility, that AMHA has. BUT helping a member by doing something within their power such as making an announcement IS.
Well, all I had to go by was what you said...
They are just as responsible for helping the perpetrator get away with this by trying to cover it up just to avoid bad publicity.
No, they are not responsible. In fact. after some of us discussed this yesterday, we agreed that if AMHA had made such an announcement at that time, it might have opened up another whole can of worms.... which they may have realized after they said they would do that. AMHA is not liable in any way here - and yellng Shame! at them was, IMO, OTT. They are not "covering it up" as you suggest - they do have to be careful how they handle this. It is not as cut and dried and simple as it may appear to be... and now they have taken further steps to help catch whoever did this. Kudos to them instead of shame...
Lisa - what you said here was excellent... and very well put...
Second- that the judges are not able to look at conformation and are not educated enough to make a proper decision and gave this horse the gate due soley to his mane. While I can understand why the OP feels this way and again totally sympathize with her. To assume that this year the horse got the gate due to poor judging is not fair to the judges. Perhaps mane or no mane he would have gotten the gate. It happens winning horses do not always place-of course given the situation and horrible thing done to the OPs horse she will never know if it was luck of the draw or not when it comes to getting the gate
All of that said while of course no show grounds can be responsible for horses or tack short of already using security at a place like Nationals or Worlds with so many exhibitors and spectators alike wandering around at all times it is very hard to determine who belongs and who doesnt.
Exactly right. AMHA would not be responsible for cameras needing to be set up everywhere and in every aisle as per the Marestare suggestion... the cost would be prohibitive and that is the facility's territory, not AMHA's. Just as at AMHR Nationals when an entire trailer of tack etc. was stolen - that was not AMHR's responsibility. Shoudl AMHR have placed cameras all around the parking lot and hired extra security to patrol? No - that is the facility's responsibility.
And as far as judging goes we have had a previous National Grand Champion only get 7th in halter this year - and in the past some that did very well the previous year walk the next... sometimes you win and sometimes you walk out the gate, and the previous year's accomplishments unfortunately do not always guarantee that you will achieve the same results the next year... as
Lisa said so well. I only wish that were not true!
They heard about some trainers, unfortunately some top trainers, at dinner, complain about the fact that they can not have some nobody winning the show above their clients who bought $25,000 horses from them. There were threats made on the colt and on our AMHA president, as well as the roaching of Sherri's horses mane.
Riverdance - I am a bit confused here - "they heard about" - sounds like none of this was heard firsthand... so perhaps we should not immdiately assume this is verbatim - it may have been said in jest, taken out of context, or not even said in that way - we have no way of knowing. Scandalous rumours abound at every show - and in the past I have not been surprised to find that many of them were not what they were reporteded to be. I always take everything with a grain of salt... and in a few cases, a truckload. In this case, are you suggesting that Sherri's horse's mane being hacked off was part of this alleged scheme by "some trainers"?
*is confused*
Sometimes after an incident like this, the paranoia and rumours that result tend to run amok through the barns or here on an internet forum and inadvertently get embellished along the way... and I hope we can try and stick to facts as opposed to rumours & gossip...