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There are times when it is acceptable IMO to go into someone else's stall. I'm often in the barns late at night clipping and before I leave, I usually do a courtesy check on the horses. I have found hoods over eyes, hoods stuck in buckets, tails stuck in buckets, cast horses, etc. I would want someone to feel comfortable enough to assist one of my horses if they were in trouble. There's a huge difference between adjusting a hood so a horse doesn't get an ulcer and removing the hood to shear the mane!
I am so sorry.

Sending a dinomite dose of KARMA on the people that did this. I can only say that they should and will suffer from their deeds ten fold.

Just a note; Benched dog shows have security, lots of it at the doors, walking the rows of dogs kept in their crates at a minimum of over night, most the time for a weekend.

I have never been to a championship horse show, but they don't provide this at a horse show like this?

As much as is invested in these horses it seems like there should be.
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Tag -
I REALLY wish you would read what I am saying instead of what you think I am saying.

I am in NO way blaming AMHA for the horse's mane being cut. I am NOT saying they are actively trying to help the person responsible get away with it!

What I AM saying is that by NOT making the announcement they said they would make, they ARE making it easier for the person to get away with this. If people don't know it happened then how can they step forward to help with information?? If that is "over the top" then so be it. Protecting all 800 horses at the show is not an ability, nor a responsibility, that AMHA has. BUT helping a member by doing something within their power such as making an announcement IS.
Well, all I had to go by was what you said...

They are just as responsible for helping the perpetrator get away with this by trying to cover it up just to avoid bad publicity.
Shame on AMHA!
No, they are not responsible. In fact. after some of us discussed this yesterday, we agreed that if AMHA had made such an announcement at that time, it might have opened up another whole can of worms.... which they may have realized after they said they would do that. AMHA is not liable in any way here - and yellng Shame! at them was, IMO, OTT. They are not "covering it up" as you suggest - they do have to be careful how they handle this. It is not as cut and dried and simple as it may appear to be... and now they have taken further steps to help catch whoever did this. Kudos to them instead of shame...

Lisa - what you said here was excellent... and very well put...

Second- that the judges are not able to look at conformation and are not educated enough to make a proper decision and gave this horse the gate due soley to his mane. While I can understand why the OP feels this way and again totally sympathize with her. To assume that this year the horse got the gate due to poor judging is not fair to the judges. Perhaps mane or no mane he would have gotten the gate. It happens winning horses do not always place-of course given the situation and horrible thing done to the OPs horse she will never know if it was luck of the draw or not when it comes to getting the gate
All of that said while of course no show grounds can be responsible for horses or tack short of already using security at a place like Nationals or Worlds with so many exhibitors and spectators alike wandering around at all times it is very hard to determine who belongs and who doesnt.
Exactly right. AMHA would not be responsible for cameras needing to be set up everywhere and in every aisle as per the Marestare suggestion... the cost would be prohibitive and that is the facility's territory, not AMHA's. Just as at AMHR Nationals when an entire trailer of tack etc. was stolen - that was not AMHR's responsibility. Shoudl AMHR have placed cameras all around the parking lot and hired extra security to patrol? No - that is the facility's responsibility.

And as far as judging goes we have had a previous National Grand Champion only get 7th in halter this year - and in the past some that did very well the previous year walk the next... sometimes you win and sometimes you walk out the gate, and the previous year's accomplishments unfortunately do not always guarantee that you will achieve the same results the next year... as Lisa said so well. I only wish that were not true!

They heard about some trainers, unfortunately some top trainers, at dinner, complain about the fact that they can not have some nobody winning the show above their clients who bought $25,000 horses from them. There were threats made on the colt and on our AMHA president, as well as the roaching of Sherri's horses mane.
Riverdance - I am a bit confused here - "they heard about" - sounds like none of this was heard firsthand... so perhaps we should not immdiately assume this is verbatim - it may have been said in jest, taken out of context, or not even said in that way - we have no way of knowing. Scandalous rumours abound at every show - and in the past I have not been surprised to find that many of them were not what they were reporteded to be. I always take everything with a grain of salt... and in a few cases, a truckload. In this case, are you suggesting that Sherri's horse's mane being hacked off was part of this alleged scheme by "some trainers"?

*is confused*

Sometimes after an incident like this, the paranoia and rumours that result tend to run amok through the barns or here on an internet forum and inadvertently get embellished along the way... and I hope we can try and stick to facts as opposed to rumours & gossip...
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What happened to the fun and enjoyment people had when they show?

But that is plain discusting. AMHA should not be held responsible but the person who did it should.

Keep on showing! dont let them get away with it
Thank you Tagalong for your well thought out reply, I agree 100%. Just because you don't see an immediate reaction does not mean that nothing is happening.

The judges were instructed to ignore the missing mane and told that he did have a full mane before this happened. No, what I just said is not hearsay but came straight from a reliable member of the executive committee.

The camera idea sounds great until you try to put the logistics together. Way too expensive to do, and just won't work. The internet wiring at the facility could in no way handle that kind of load. It belongs to APHA and we pay to use it.
As pitiful as it may sound this type stupid stuff does go on. Just last year we had death threats made against one of our horses that had been winning all year. We paid for someone to babysit him at the show, every night till he showed, where he won again and nothing happened thank goodness.

So sorry to hear of the problem Sherri, Geary and you work very hard with your horses!!! And do not deserve this type treatment, hope they find out whomever did this and deal with them accordingly.

If everyone remembers a couple of years ago, Reese Family Miniatures had someone go into the horses stalls and remove all the clothing. Measured the horses and took pictures. Besides for health concerns or emergency situations, heaven help anyone caught in my stalls uninvited. This all so stupid and unnecessary!

The extremes people will go to try and improve their chances to win never ceases to amaze me!!
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Im so sorry to hear about this! It really is sad that some people will sink that low. I was watching the show online, and decided that it is my goal one day to show at this level. After this, it kind of makes one reconsider...
I'm sorry to hear this... What I think about this has already been said by some so I wont repeat myself. I am sending you and your horse {{{HUGS}}} and hope things turn out alright in the end.. So glad your horse wasn't physically hurt or maimed.. It really does make you not want to show at that level... Take care...
Riverdance - I am a bit confused here - "they heard about" - sounds like none of this was heard firsthand... so perhaps we should not immdiately assume this is verbatim - it may have been said in jest, taken out of context, or not even said in that way - we have no way of knowing. Scandalous rumours abound at every show - and in the past I have not been surprised to find that many of them were not what they were reporteded to be. I always take everything with a grain of salt... and in a few cases, a truckload. In this case, are you suggesting that Sherri's horse's mane being hacked off was part of this alleged scheme by "some trainers"?
*is confused*

I am not saying what trainer said this, but it was one of the big trainers. I doubt it was said in jest and I was told about it from several different sources.

Whether the comments were meant or not, they were taken seriously. It is a shame that this should happen anywhere, but happens in all kinds of and any competition.

I am not saying what trainer said this, but it was one of the big trainers. I doubt it was said in jest and I was told about it from several different sources.

Whether the comments were meant or not, they were taken seriously. It is a shame that this should happen anywhere, but happens in all kinds of and any competition.
I am really confused here.
It sounds like you are saying you know who is responsible but you won't tell. Surely that is not so.

"All that is necessary for evil to prevail if for good people to do nothing."
I'm so very sorry about the horse's mane and SO very thankful that it was not worse (not that this wasn't bad!) You were crushed, as I know I would be.

Years (and years
) ago, we would hire a night guard at large shows. Generally, several on the aisle would gladly split the cost. During the day was often planned on taking turns to sit and/or repeatedly go back/forth to check stalls. Some people stay in adjoining stalls for reasons other than expenses.....

As to the AMHA publically stating a member was sanctioned and why, that absolutely used to be done!!! It was published in the World. Charges of rules broken, when, who, what penalty was administered, etc. This was in the early 90's. They stopped but, should not have, IMO.
I am talking about two different things. I have no idea who roached the mane, but I do know who was the trainer who said that a nobody should not be beating the trainers and their $25,000 horses.
I am so sorry to hear about this. PLEASE show your horse anyway!!! I am sure that word will get around even to the judges. If someone asks you why he doesn't have a mane tell them. Don't let them beat you down, go in that ring with a big smile knowing that someone was low enough, and scared enough of competing with him to "try" and take away his looks.

After saying that however, I do remember a full size appy stallion that was winning everything when I was a kid. One day they got to his stall to find he had been gelded (after threats). The the owners took him home and when he was healed they showed him as a gelding and continued to win. Even with cameras in his stall, now mind you this was about 30 yrs ago (not very good technology) they found he had been killed.

This is a decision that only you can make. I believe in taking a stand but it does put your horse at risk. You might want to check around and see if you can rent a camera system while you are there.

Once again, I am so sorry you and anybody else has to go through something like this.

sorry for the previous post, but I dont post on here often and I messed it up. anyway sherri, I am so sorry to hear about what happened to your horse at the world show. It is truly unbeliveable what people will do..have you thought of using Bonnie Fogg? we have used her a couple of times for different things, and have had some surprising results. It could'nt hurt...(Just a thought)
sorry for the previous post, but I dont post on here often and I messed it up. anyway sherri, I am so sorry to hear about what happened to your horse at the world show. It is truly unbeliveable what people will do..have you thought of using Bonnie Fogg? we have used her a couple of times for different things, and have had some surprising results. It could'nt hurt...(Just a thought)

Who is Bonnie Fogg??
Bonnie is a animal communicator, I know she is highly thought of on this forum, and that is where I heard of her.
but I do know who was the trainer who said that a nobody should not be beating the trainers and their $25,000 horses.
I am still confused here - did YOU hear said trainer say that? First hand? It does not sound like it. Originally you said...

They heard about some trainers, unfortunately some top trainers, at dinner, complain about the fact that they can not have some nobody winning the show above their clients who bought $25,000 horses from them.
... so someone said they heard about some trainerS (plural) saying all this... and yet now you say it was one trainer who said this and you know who it is and so on and so forth...

See why I am confused?

I am not saying what trainer said this, but it was one of the big trainers. I doubt it was said in jest and I was told about it from several different sources.
Riverdance - it seems that the original tale has already changed a bit as rumours are wont to do - and this is why I am wary of any of these rumours making the rounds as they often wind up being nothing like the original incident. I am not focussing on you in any way - far from it - and I understand your concern. I'm just lamenting the fact that rumours abound and morph and often may not resemble the original story as they are told and retold...and passed on as fact. And if death threats etc. get attached to such tales, then things take a more serious turn. And no, I am not defending any "big trainer"... just suggesting a bit of caution - although that may not be the right word. I am not sure what the right word is...

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I never really thought about this kind of thing happening. I guess it does as there were 2 reining horses taken last year from the Livestock Event Center. They didn't get them back. Also when the Reno Rodeo was going on 15 bucking horses were taken and they were found about 10 miles away about to go up into the hills where they would have mixed with the wild horses at lockwood. I have left my own horses at breed shows and didn't even give it a thought that someone would go into the stalls and mess with horses that didn't belong to them. I guess if I go to any more shows I will be staying with my horses.
I am still laughing at the mentallity that just because someone paid a huge sum of money for a horse that it should not be beat by anyone else, LOL And if it gets consistantly beat, well I guess the trainer's judge of horseflesh was not as good as they thought it was, or they know they ripped off their client for a huge amount of money for a horse that simply is not worth that kind of money.

I stood and watched at a show one time where a horse that had just sold for $600.00 beat out a horse that another farm had just purchased for about $18,000. That was years ago and I am STILL laughing. You dont have to pay that kind of money to get a winner. I know what the horses cost because I knew the people individually.
Laurie I can see why you would find it humorous but I can assure you it is neither an American problem, nor a joke.

We had just this happen here, I know it was twenty years ago but as I have first hand knowledge of it I shall site it anyway.

An Arab stallion was bought , at a hugely inflated price.

He was purchased by three well known Arab breeders on behalf of a "rookie" client.

To say that he was mediocre is not quite describing him accurately as he was,, on occasions, lame as well.

BUT he had cost so much, and they had made so much, he had to win.

So he did.

I actually challenged one of the Judges after a championship (I knew her well enough to do so informally and I had not had a horse in the ring) and asked how she could put a lame horse Champion. She told me she had mentioned this to her co-Judges (our Judges confer) and had been told that "they are taught to go like that it Spain" and the other tow Judges had been so intent on this horse winning that she had given in to them.

He did a lot of harm to the English Arab, an awful lot of harm. His offspring inherited whatever it was that was wrong with him and at least two I know of personally had to be operated on to bring them sound!

So, it has always happened, it will always happen, I am afraid.

And it is no joke.

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