John has answered your questions much more thouroughly and eloquently than I ever could. However, here is my story.
About a week and a half ago Susan and I were approached to become a founding member of IAMHA. As many of you have, my initial reaction was that here is a group of people that are attempting to put together a registry to compete with AMHA and subsequently destroy my AMHA. Yes, I say my because those of you that know us know that we put our heart and soul into working for the AMHA. We go to all the local shows, several of the out of town shows, the regional show and the World show; every year. And, we don't go to watch; we participate. We take horses, spend lots of hard earned money (and I can assure you we are not wealthy or elitist, or malcontent). We sweat, work hard and do all of our own training and almost always have at least 1 or 2 kids we are mentoring. We attend board meetings (we are not on the board) and we attend the National meeting. We work on committees and give them our full attention. Making AMHA a better, stronger organization is our goal. It benefits us all. We also attend AMHR shows and are AMHR members and all of our horses are registered both AMHA and AMHR. We intend to continue this endeavor.
After speaking with several members and carefully reading the bylaws we decided to join.
IAMHA is not a registry nor will it ever be.
IAMHA is not in competition with any registry.
IAMHA is not affiliated or supported by any registry.
IAMHA is not an attempt to destroy the AMHA. If I ever thought that I would be gone immediatly.
IAMHA is a group of individuals who, using their own money, intend to promote the American Miniature Horse and in doing so hopefully will increase the membership of both AMHA and AMHR and increase the market for sales; both mine and yours.
Some of you have determined the letter to AMHA to be an "or else" demand. It is not. It is in fact a list of recommendations gleaned from your very comments. Do I agree with all of them? Some more than others but they are only recommendations.
I know some of you see this a only negative and so be it. I can't change your mind. But, I believe the IAMHA can be a viable marketing tool that will help all of us. Give us a chance.