I am thinking about getting a chihuahua but

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Well-Known Member
Aug 17, 2003
Reaction score
Ada, Oklahoma
I am thinking about getting another dog(love pets a lot) I was thinking about a Chihuahua, but was

wondering whats everyones opinions and if you have some what are your experiences about them,also would love to hear about yours. and the good/bad experiences.
Betsy, I'm wondering if your other dog got the surgery it needed that you posted about? If not, I wouldn't add another dog to the family until that happens.

I'm sorry if that's not quite the answer you were looking for but I'm just a huge animal lover and couldn't help but express that opinion.
I don't remember saying anything about a surgery, sometimes I think I have CRS(can't remember s...)
OMG l'm laughing just this past weekend my husband mentioned l must have come down with CRS...not wanting to look even dumber then l felt at that time l didn't bother to ask what that meant. Can't remember sheet...oh lordy he's in trouble again..
I have a chihuahua. Had them growing up to. They are definately a one person dog. Love their owner, hate for anyone else to touch them (or so that's been my experience with them), My dog loves me and tolerates my son becuase she knows she'd be in huge trouble if she bit him. But even out places, she growls at people. And she absolutely hates other dogs. Tries to fight with the lab (who in return thinks she's playing with him). She's pretty territorial. So as far as getting another dog when you already have one, I would look into a different breed (unless you are getting a puppy). Yorkies and Poms are pretty people/animal friendly.
my husband calls them d--- little ankle biters, but love, love, love mine. of course i have never found a dog i didn't like!
I have 4 - mine are all sweet and friendly but have a favorite person. They have been well socialized their whole lives though and treated like other "dogs" - in spite of them believing they are special little children.
I do know several chi's who fit the descriptions by Keri and Gails hubby
We even had 2 of ours at Nationals last year and several folks couldn't believe they were so quiet and good with everyone.
I can tell you, Cheryl's "kids" are so sweet. They even get along with mine. Mine however, is the best dog in the whole world and I tell him so every day. I just love my Tate, and he is very good with adults but is scared to death of kids. He also isn't full blooded but he is small and adorable and half chihuahua, the other half is papillion.

Here is he, I just love him, (did I say that already?)

Our one has more articles of clothing then some people! He's very sweet and very brave, but wouldn't harm a fly. I see us getting another in time.

Here is Burrito, our chihuahua:



He is one of the most daintiest and refined dogs I've ever met, but he is a tough cookie!
Oh, did I mention that he is only 3 pounds and around 8 1/2- 9" tall? I believe he'll be 3 this September.
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when our son gave a pup to my wife my first thought was OH, Crap! but shes the sweetest little thing. she gets along with our lab, two cats, bird, and would be fine with the horses but I have to keep her away as she is very tiny. she travels with us everywhere. and to date has never been a problem. the most dificulty we have had with her was it took forever to house break her, and she has an attn span that would fit in a tea spoon. DR.

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