I am VERY sorry

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Well-Known Member
Mar 28, 2005
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The last few days for me have been horbile, and I have been trying to blame it on what happened, but it was all me, and I was very imature to throw fits like that, and bad mouth what Mary Lou has worked her butt of for. I owe my sincierest(SP) apalogizes to Mary Lou, the modeters, and the people on this forum!

Mary Lou and I have been talking, and we both just had a misunderstanding, and we decided that we are both human, and we both make mistakes, and we are just going to let this go!

I way over reacted over nothing! Sometimes I am on the net more than I should be, so I post alot, but I am going to try to cut back, and watch what I say!

I hope you will all forgive me for the way I acted, and the bad stuff I said about this board, the raeson why I was so mad, is cause I very much love this forum, and I learn LOTS from it, and I felt as if I was going to loose it, and I should have never handled it the way I did, and I shouldnt have made as big of a deal out of it as I did!

once again, I am so sorry to Mary Lou, the modeters, and all of you!

Please forgive me!


ETA: Thanks to everyone who helped me chill out, and to everyone who PMed me and told me its gonna be okay! Specificly Carol Alberton(I hope I spelled you last name right:) for making me relize I was way over reacting, if it wasnt for her, I would have never came back!
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I Shane,

Right now it is a miniute to 5:00(I dont know how to show my time on my name) so your 7:00 hours ahead if its allready 12:00!

Gage, sweetie, I was going to e-mail you but I thought maybe the timing was not brilliant.

I really think it would be a great loss to this Forum, and to it's younger members if someone as sensible as yourself were to leave.

Tell us when your feelings are hurt, tell us when you are upset.

I knew something was not right as it is so unlike you to go off in a huff.

There is nothing to aplogise for, everyone has off days!!!

Happy Christmas, sweetheart.
Merry Christmas, Gage.

In a funny way, your problems help the Forum resolve some issues and allowed all of us to talk about them......

I think this Forum Family is doing just fine.


Thank you all so very much!

You guys make me happy I stayed, cause if I left, then I would never get to here you guys!

God Bless, and Merry Christmas:)

Merry Christmas Eve

Glad to hear I can look forward to your posts!
Great to have you back Gage! Merry Xmas!!
[SIZE=14pt]You can always count on Carol to make sense. She's the best. I love talking to her. [/SIZE]

I'm glad the lines of communication are open with you and ML. That's great.

Now, please chill and nothing happened, right? Right. Let's move on.

So have yourself a very Merry Christmas now......
Marty said:
[SIZE=14pt]You can always count on Carol to make sense. She's the best. I love talking to her. [/SIZE]
I'm glad the lines of communication are open with you and ML. That's great.

Now, please chill and nothing happened, right? Right. Let's move on.

So have yourself a very Merry Christmas now......


And also Marty, let me please bublicly apalogize to you for not taking your advice, I think that would have solved it right then, and I allways respect you and your opinions, I just wasnt have a very good day, and I should have just never got on the computer that day!

[SIZE=14pt]Let it go Little Buddy! [/SIZE]

You're going to be just fine.

Now, hug a horse and let's have that Merry Christmas.
I am very proud of you to hear this. It had to be hard for you to accept, admit & make a public apology. May you continue to learn from this forum and also help someone else along the way. Sharing is what it is all about.
That was a very brave thing you just did Mr Gage (apologizing).

Glad your back, Christmas is a stressful time for all. Not always the happy time everyone thinks it should be.
Im so happy you changed your mind!

You are such a great person ...no appology needed i dont think!


Oh Gage, I am so glad everything is behind you now, and there is no need for a apology, we all have our bad days and have to let steam off once in awhile. Hope you have a great christmas! Corinne
Specificly Carol Alberton(I hope I spelled you last name right:) for making me relize I was way over reacting, if it wasnt for her, I would have never came back!
Hey Gage! It's A L B R I T T O N! But that's OK.............certainly no big deal. I've been called a lot worse!

Sometimes things on this Forum are certainly a challenge.

I am so glad to see that you are feeling so much better about things! See! Sometimes we just need others to help pull us up and get us going in the right direction! And yes, it is very brave and very mature to come back and apologize. It takes a "big" person.

Again......you are OK in my book! And you know I am always just a click of a button away.

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